When July 18, 2017 at 6:30pm 2 hrs 30 mins
Contact Krystal Oriadha

Since 1980, the number of incarcerated people has grown by 500%. Many of those caged behind bars haven't even been convicted of a crime -- they just can't afford to pay bail.  This unjust use of pre-trial incarceration has inflicted catastrophic harm on to Black families in particular. Black people are over two times more likely to be arrested and once arrested are twice as likely to be caged before trial. Even a few days in jail can ruin a person’s life, cause them to lose their job, their housing and even some lose their children.

But we are resisting the use of corrupt bail practices to funnel Black folks into the system of mass incarceration. On July 18 we are launching a mobilization project, fueled by people power and aimed to reform criminal justice and hold prosecutors accountable. 

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