From former Sen. Barbara Mikulski: "...If you invest more in education, you pay less in incarceration. Schools always cost less than prisons. But under Larry Hogan, we've seen our education budget get tighter and tighter, while our budget for prisons continues to balloon. Maryland is falling behind because we're just not investing where it counts." Ben Jealous will turn that around.


Dear Marylanders

Ben and I have something in common -- we were told we don't "look the part."

When I joined the Senate, I had to fight for rights as simple as wearing pants on the Senate floor. I may be 4'11", but I stood tall for the people of Maryland for 20 years. Now, Ben Jealous has the opportunity to become the first black governor of our state (and at 6'4'' he has a bit of a height advantage, too) -- he can bring forward an important, but often left out, voice for our state, just like I did to the Senate.

Ben and I also have someone in common -- his grandmother.

Mamie Todd (who will be 102 in November!) helped train me in social work years ago, just like she trained Ben in the power of community organizing. She taught us both an important lesson: If you invest more on the front end, you pay less on the back end.

mikulski.jpgFor example -- if you invest more in education, you pay less in incarceration. Schools always cost less than prisons. But under Larry Hogan, we've seen our education budget get tighter and tighter, while our budget for prisons continues to balloon. Maryland is falling behind because we're just not investing where it counts.

We know how this story ends, and it's time to end it. Pitch in and boost turnout if you're ready to fight for a better Maryland with Ben Jealous as our next governor.

Ben's grandmother Mamie is also proof of just how much can change so quickly when folks fight for good.

Mamie's grandfather -- Ben's great-great-grandfather -- was born a slave. He walked out of slavery to become a Virginia state senator, and he co-founded Virginia State University.

Mamie's lived long enough -- 102 years! -- to hear those stories from her grandfather, and also to watch her own grandson become the first black governor of Maryland.

Time can't stand still -- Maryland families deserve better than what they've been given under Larry Hogan. Ben's story is a unique one, one that can only happen in America. But we need more stories like his.

I'm ready to fight for better, and I hope you're with me: Add your name next to mine if you're ready for a better, stronger, and cleaner Maryland with Ben Jealous as our next governor.


Barbara Mikulski
Former U.S. Senator from Maryland

This message from former Senator Barbara Mikulski was circulated by the campaign to elect Ben Jealous governor of Maryland.



woody woodruff


M.A. and Ph.d. from University of Maryland Merrill College of Journalism, would-be radical, sci-fi fan... retired to a life of keyboard radicalism...