Victor Ramirez will not only work diligently to decrease the School-to-Prison pipeline within our county, but will also partner with various religious organizations, community groups, nonprofits, law enforcement and government agencies for the benefit of our young people, says educator Janna Parker.


/By Janna Parker/ There are many government positions and seats with Prince George's County that are important, but the State's Attorney's Office is one that is deeply important because of how directly and intrinsically it impacts the county and its people -- because it deals with how the law is applied and who it is applied to. That's why it's important to support and elect a candidate who not only has a deep knowledge of the laws, policies, procedures, and systems currently in place but also has experience and a history of working in defense of and protecting all of the citizens of this county. While personally, I think the candidates in this field are nice people who can contribute to the growth of the county in other capacities, I deeply feel that it is Victor Ramirez who should be the next State's Attorney for Prince George's County.

 Prince George's County had the highest rate of student arrests in the state of Maryland. Students -- children -- being charged with crimes at a young age increases their chances of going to prison by at least 15%.  As a former educator and staunch advocate for our schools, our teachers, and our students, I stand behind Victor Ramirez because I know that he will not only work diligently to decrease the School-to-Prison pipeline within our county, but will also partner with various religious organizations, community groups, nonprofits, law enforcement and government agencies to give the youth of our county not just diversionary programs when they are faced with legal challenges, but other options and activities prior to their encountering the law.

 I am voting for Victor Ramirez because I want to see positive change in the State's Attorney's Office- from a person who I know has, can, and will continue to fight for all of our county residents, the young, elderly and/or financially vulnerable. Vote for Victor!

Janna Parker is an activist with Progressive Prince George's. Progressive Maryland has endorsed Ramirez.

woody woodruff


M.A. and Ph.d. from University of Maryland Merrill College of Journalism, would-be radical, sci-fi fan... retired to a life of keyboard radicalism...