Progressive Maryland Weekly Memo for Monday, September 11, 2023
Today, as we solemnly remember the events of September 11th, we are reminded of the profound impact that pivotal moments in history can have on our collective journey towards progress. On this day, in 2001, the world witnessed both the worst of humanity's capacity for destruction and the best of our capacity for unity and resilience.
As a progressive organization committed to building a more just and equitable future, we understand the significance of moments like these. They serve as a stark reminder of the importance of our work—working tirelessly to ensure that our communities are safe, inclusive, and empowered to drive positive change.
Don't forget to check out all the incredible work our task forces are doing as we gear up for a transformative fall. Read on for important updates and news you can use.
In Solidarity,
The Progressive Maryland Team
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Filling state worker ranks; oversight for schools; still more highways: News You Can Use
September. About 100 days (more or less) until the 90 days of the General Assembly kick off in January. Are we ready? Are they ready? As we see in this week's News You Can Use, our schools, our housing policy, our policy on roads vs. mass transit (Toll roads? We hoped we were done with that) and the capacity of our state workers are all less settled than we were thinking of, best-case. The brute fact that many of these issues are tangled up with one another (see: teacher availability and housing costs) makes it harder. In an election year there will be a lot for Maryland legislators to juggle, and it's not too early to let them know what's on our minds. Read on, and start making your lists.
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Progressive Maryland Weekly Memo for Tuesday, September 5, 2023
Maryland Progressives:
We're thrilled to announce the 2023 Fall Cohort for the Maryland People's Leadership Institute (MPLI). The MPLI has once again recruited an exceptional group of fifteen leaders and activists, representing the rich diversity of Maryland's communities. This year's cohort hails from four different Maryland counties and the city of Baltimore, bringing a wealth of perspectives and experiences to our program.
MPLI is dedicated to identifying, training, and supporting community leaders with aspirations of running for office or managing successful campaigns. It's a transformative campaign training program that empowers individuals with the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to make a meaningful impact in their communities.
Curious to learn more about our inspiring 2023 MPLI cohort? Discover their stories and visions for a better Maryland by checking out their bios on our website.
Read on to find information about numerous events hosted by our allies, important task force updates, and news you can use!
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After Labor Day, Maryland sees good and bad news going into fall. It's News You Can Use
Maryland is pronounced... well, above average as a good place for workers -- maybe we can do better than 14th next year? But union power in previously difficult areas (for instance, community college faculty) is increasing, even as more and more teachers find a second job is necessary. The National Labor Relations Board has put employers on notice that cheesie delaying tactics in labor struggles could just get the workers a win by default. And more News You Can Use, this week and every week. Read on...
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"Much more needs to be done" to lower prescription drug prices: Sen. Sanders
'Sen. Bernie Sanders on Tuesday called for additional action to curb prescription drug costs in the United States after the Biden administration unveiled its list of the first 10 medications that will be subject to direct price negotiations with Medicare. [See our blog post yesterday]
'Sanders (I-Vt.), the chair of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, welcomed the administration's move as "an important step forward in taking on the greed of the pharmaceutical industry and their 1,800 paid lobbyists in Washington, D.C."
'But "much more has to be done to protect the American people," the senator added, noting that the median annual price of medications approved by the Food and Drug Administration last year was over $222,000.
' "Bottom line: We should not be paying any more for prescription drugs than other countries around the world," said Sanders. "I look forward to working with the president and my colleagues to make that happen." '
Jake Johnson of Common Dreams outlines Sanders's further planned actions.
Read moreTen drugs lead list of Rxs subject to negotiation with Medicare and medicaid
Progressive Maryland joins those cheering the announcement of the first ten (of many more, we hope) high-priced drugs that will cost us less because Medicare and medicaid will now be able to negotiate their prices.
Imagine that -- the US government's critical health care provision will gain the right that corporations have always had -- to drive the best bargain they can get, instead of taking the prices Big Pharma gives them. As we see below, top treatments for some of our most common conditions like heart disease, diabetes, cancer and autoimmune diseases will get within reach.
Read moreProgressive Maryland Weekly Memo for Monday, July 28, 2023
As we transition into a new month this week, with Labor Day just around the corner, let's shift our focus to an issue that remains critical in our society: worker's rights. In a rapidly changing economy, it's more crucial than ever to advocate for and strengthen labor laws. Ensuring fair wages, safe working conditions, and protection against exploitation are key components of building a just society.
As Black August also draws to a close, we honor the rich history it represents – a time to commemorate the struggles and sacrifices of Black activists who fought for justice and equality.
Read on for the latest events, updates on our initiatives, and opportunities to get involved!
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State schools' spending, gas tax revenue in the EV era, and other money issues are News You Can Use
It's getting and spending, as usual, on the top of the headlines. Maryland needs more money for schools but boards are spending it in sometimes mysterious ways. Meanwhile how do we fix the state's roads when (we hope, soon) E-vehicles dominate the state's traffic pattern and gas tax revenues plummet? Plus, Larry Hogan's toll lane plans survive in reduced form and odd, distant whiffs raise new interest in our air quality. It's News You Can Use, even if it's not always cheerful.
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Organizational Letter to Board of Election Supervisors
Progressive Maryland and the undersigned organizations have sent a letter to the Chairman of the Board of Election Supervisors to protest the unconstitutional acts targeting City Council Member Martin Mitchell, candidate for Laurel Mayor.
Read moreProgressive Maryland Weekly Memo for Monday, August 21, 2023
Happy Monday! We are one month away from the Progressive Maryland Annual Gala so if you haven’t yet secured your spot for this event, make sure to grab a ticket before they sell out! This will be an evening full of food and fun that you won’t want to miss. The event features Maryland’s very own Rep. Jamie Raskin, a champion for Democracy! See you in a month, on Thursday, September 21st from 4-8pm at a beautiful Annapolis waterfront location.
Be sure to check out the latest events on our calendar and stay informed about our ongoing task force initiatives, ways to get involved, and news you can use!
In Solidarity,
The Progressive Maryland Team
PS - Don't forget to tune into our radio show, The Progress Report, live on air Fridays from 5-6pm ET on WPFW 89.3 PM or online at
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