Progressive MD slams Leggett's veto of MoCo's $15 minimum wage bill
Progressive Maryland, a lead organization advocating for the $15 minimum wage bill passed by the Montgomery County Council, deplores the veto by County Executive Ike Leggett and promises to hold him and the Council members opposed to the bill accountable for their disregard for working families.
Read moreProgressive Maryland Weekly Memo for Jan. 23-28
Week 1 of Resist Trump, and our work begins. Events calendar and links to our blog posts.
Read moreTell Ike Leggett: Seal your progressive legacy; sign the $15 minimum wage bill in MoCo
Montgomery County can remain a progressive beacon in the fight against inequality with its passage of a $15 minimum wage -- but County Executive Ike Leggett should sign it, not threaten a veto, to seal his own progressive legacy. PM member Bobby Bartlett explains why it's a critical moment.
Read moreRally TOMORROW (Monday, Jan. 23) in Annapolis for statewide paid sick leave UPDATED LOCATION
This will be the year we get earned, paid sick leave for the 750,000 Maryland workers currently without it. Rally tomorrow night in Annapolis to bring a full-coverage bill to passage and squelch the governor's watered-down version. NOTE UPDATED LOCATION
Read morePro-pharma Dems' vote shows persistence of party's failure to get it
Democratic Senators could have voted for the Sanders-Klobuchar amendment to allow importation of prescription drugs from Canada, saving US drug customers millions. Thirteen instead voted with their Big Pharma benefactors, showing that the party has not learned the lessons of the failed Clinton effort and the value of Bernie Sanders's alternative.
Read moreMoCo Council passes $15 wage but exec's veto threatens
A narrow 5-4 victory for the $15 minimum wage bill yesterday (Jan. 17) in Montgomery County is threatened by a veto from the county executive. Progressive Maryland and allies worked hard to build support for this critical effort to reduce inequality in Maryland's most expensive county. Context in the political blog Maryland Scramble, reposted here, shows candidates for the county executive race on both sides of the question.
Read more'Honest Prince George' a longtime pay-to-play arena
As Prince George's County's liquor-store corruption probe unfolds, veteran columnist Barry Rascovar reminds us that the county has a long history of such official misbehavior and a lamentable reputation among state politicians on that account.
Read moreInauguration Week: Progressive Maryland's Weekly Memo for January 16-22
A big week for progressives, despite the looming Trump event; there will be many voices against his brand of politics. And Maryland progressives must keep an eye on state government, where the governor's budget is likely to drop this week. Plus the past week's blog posts, with summaries and links.
Read moreProgressive agendas take on vested interests in 2017 Assembly session
While legislators play footsy with the Governor over the roads and budget, progressive agendas will challenge the Maryland General Assembly members to help ordinary people -- as they are sworn to do -- despite the lobbyists and donors looking over their shoulders.
Read moreTrump tax reform plan may be mixed bag for Marylanders
The "tax plan" promoted by the President-elect may be more advantageous to some in relatively affluent Maryland, but others will get little or no benefit and the state may suffer from the consequent lowered federal revenue and drop in federal spending -- important for a state with a high dependence on federal spending for its continued prosperity. A detailed recent analysis from the Capital News Service at UMCP's highly-ranked J-school provides details.
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