The schools' humiliating "begathon" before the money people
Forcing state school leaders to grovel before the Gov and his henchpersons for the money they deserve is an old and despicable custom, usually with political knives out, that should be ended, says Barry Rascovar in Maryland Reporter (posted Monday, Jan. 9). And, to show that His Trumpness is not the only thin-skinned jerk in the cosmos, alleged Democrat Peter Franchot, the Comptroller, sent a mouthpiece to complain about Rascovar's colossal nerve in having an opinion about the matter.
Read moreProgressive Maryland's Weekly Memo for January 9-15
The Maryland General Assembly opens this Wednesday (Jan. 11) and the fun begins. See some previews and the calendar of get-togethers for PM and allies as the session gets under way, plus the week's blog posts with summaries and links. One-stop progressive shopping.
Read moreBetter ways to battle Trump than early "impeachment" chatter
We have lots of ways to struggle against Trump's Washington; despite calls from "pied pipers of the Left" there's no need to distract ourselves, "wasting precious time and energy fiddling" with impeachment chatter "while Trump and the Republican Congress are burning our house down," argues Hal Ginsberg.
Read moreProgressive Maryland Weekly Memo for Jan. 4-8
Lots going on in early January ... our Weekly Memo clues you in on coming events and has links to the most recent blog posts. BTW you can get it by email every week; check it out.
Read moreBlog Index for Prince George's and Montgomery counties -- since 2015
To get you started on 2017 activism: our blog posts since June 2015 relating specifically to Prince George's and Montgomery counties, places where Progressive Maryland activists are hard at work on very local issues. You can catch up with political and community doings in those counties here, with summaries and links to the posts.
Read moreProgressive Maryland's Weekly Memo for Dec. 26 2016 -- Jan. 1 2017
It’s the slack few days between holidays this week, but don’t let 2017 sneak up on you (2017?! What?! Wait, that’s too soon…). Whether your farewell to 2016 is fond or otherwise, the Maryland General Assembly gears up January 11 and a new state-level battle (or battles) begins. Plus early January events and links to this week’s blog posts.
Read more"Governor Trump" -- Hogan's methods echo Trump's and media buy same flim-flam
Barry Rascovar unmasked Gov. Larry Hogan’s Trump-like taste for the spectacle as a cover for, um, prevarications (we re-published it Tuesday, Dec. 20). Just because it’s a hoax, though, doesn’t mean some won’t fall for it – and Adam Pagnucco outlines here how many of our august media did just that, swallowing the Guvnah’s “Roadkill Bill” flimflam. A few days later (after Pagnucco’s post was first published) the respected number-crunchers of the Department of Legislative Services put a fork in the Hogan nonsense. We'll be interested to see how many in the media will acknowledge they were had...
Read moreAfter 2 years of Hogan, rich get richer but it's still about our jobs
The effects of the 2008 recession still linger in Maryland, even after two years of the business-friendly Gov. Hogan. Where are the jobs? The services? Jerome Dancis has a few ideas about this.
Read moreHogan still peddling his "Roadkill Bill" hoax
Commentator Barry Rascovar would probably resist the label "progressive" but no observer has nailed Gov. Hogan's slippery public persona to the wall better. Here he unmasks Hogan's bogus "roadkill bill" non-threat. (Later this week in the BlogSpace, Seventh State columnist Adam Pagnucco details who is falling for this roadkill ruse -- including many reporters.)
Read moreProgressive Maryland Weekly Memo for Dec. 19-25
Let's go a-caroling Thursday (Dec. 22) at noontime to Rep. Steny Hoyer's Greenbelt office on behalf of the progress we have made in getting to universal health care. Let him know we're not going back. Plus activism around Montgomery County's Fight for Fifteen, and the week's blog posts.
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