Dear {{FirstName or 'Friend'}}, 

On this significant day, we mark the 51st anniversary of Roe v. Wade—a historic decision that empowered women to take control of their bodies and futures. While the right-wing-dominated Supreme Court sadly altered that history two years ago, we remain committed to defending reproductive rights. Our state's commitment is evident at least, with the governor signing extensive legislation to solidify protections for reproductive freedom here in Maryland last year.

As we reflect on this milestone, we also want to update you on the legislative front. With the legislative session gearing up, all Senate and House bills must be introduced in the next two weeks, and the first batch of bill hearings has already begun.

Our task forces and issue campaigns are fully engaged, preparing for these critical hearings to advocate for our legislative priorities. Last year brought some great wins and strides, but there's more work to be done. The Reclaim Renewable Energy Act of 2024, a crucial bill left behind last year, has its first hearing this Thursday and we’re committed to fighting for its passage. Stay tuned for the EJTF task force updates in this memo, where you'll find more information on this essential priority bill and ways to get involved, including a link to watch the hearing. It's one of our main legislative priorities this session.

In the coming weeks, we have hearings on vital healthcare bills, and our task forces and issue campaigns are working tirelessly on various fronts. Read on to learn more about these initiatives.

In Solidarity,

The Progressive Maryland Team


Here’s what’s in today’s memo:

    • Legislative Updates
    • PM Events
    • PM task forces & issue campaigns: HCTF, EJTF & RCTF

Legislative Updates:

Click here to view the suggested dates of interest provided by the General Assembly. The House and Senate will reconvene tonight at 8pm and will post live updates on their website. 

TRACKER: Click here to keep track of all active Maryland bills, their action status, top sponsors, and top committees. You can also view the bills from the previous legislative session. For more detailed updates on this year’s Legislative Session and to search specific bills click here. 


PM Events: Less Than 3 Weeks Away! Secure Your Spot for the 2024 Power Summit on February 10th.

Join us on February 10th from 10:30am-2:30pm for the 2024 Power Summit in Annapolis! 

At the event you will:

➤ Connect with like-minded advocates from across the state

➤ Hear directly from members of our Maryland General Assembly 

➤ Dive into the heart of our campaigns

➤ Join us in shaping our goals and organizing priorities for the upcoming year

➤ Conclude the day with a powerful direct action

As we come together in Annapolis, we're not just planning for the future; we're actively shaping it. Your presence will add strength to our cause and vigor to our collective mission.


PM Task Forces & Issue Campaigns Updates

Healthcare Justice: Fight Corporate Greed, Elevate People’s Needs in 2024

During this legislative session in Annapolis we’re taking a stand for all of us who are  being harmed by the corporate greed and shortcomings in our healthcare system. Join us! Help us push our lawmakers to make sure that Maryland is doing all it can to support patients who can’t get or afford care, seniors and people with disabilities who are struggling with the rising cost of care, and communities that are facing inequities and lack of services.  

You can learn more at our virtual community forum! We’re meeting on zoom next week on Thursday, Feb.1 at 6:30. 

We’ll hear from one of our progressive champions and share more about the ways you can take action during the session. Let’s make this the year that our elected officials crack down on insurers who are denying care, implement lower Rx drug costs, reduce barriers to receiving free and reduced cost hospital care, and expand access to care to all Marylanders.

For more information or to share your story contact Patty. 

Returning Citizens Task Force: 

RCTF will meet tonight -- Monday, January 22 – at 6:30pm for our regular bi-weekly meeting where we will discuss plans for 2024 as well as PM’s upcoming membership assembly.  On Thursday evening, we will hold a planning meeting of Faith-based leaders and community groups to prepare for our scheduled hiring fair/health and expungement clinic.  And we will be part of a coalition meeting with Delegate Adrian Boafo about his “Ban the Box” housing bill which should be introduced in Annapolis this session. For more information on these initiatives and other future work, please contact Kurt.

Environmental Justice Task Force: HSB0146: RREA Hearing in Annapolis on Thursday

This Thursday, January 25th at 2pm, before the Education, Energy and the Environment Committee, frontline Community members of South Baltimore will finally have the space to confront the iniquitous reality of their monthly utility bill supporting the wealth of the Bresco-trash Incinerator. Frontline community members, environmental justice advocates and ratepayers across our state will make the case that our monthly energy bills should support clean energy in the Maryland Portfolio Standard Program, such as solar and wind turbine power. 

The Reclaim Renewable Energy Act (SB0146) of 2024, is more the blatant exploitation of black communities, it's also about leveling the playing field of what is considered clean energy in our state. If you would like to join the EJTF and be in attendance for this hearing, reach out to SirJames. If you are not able to attend the hearing in person, you can tune in here. 


Progressive Maryland BlogSpace:

We value creating space for our members to express their thoughts on any issues related to our campaigns. Have an idea for a blog post? You can submit writing, film, graphic design, etc. to be published on our website to the blog moderator Woody.

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