Time to Resist Republican Health Policy
In the guise of fixing some acknowledge flaws in the Affordable Care Act, the GOP's "repeal and replace" plan is actually a huge tax giveaway to health care corporations and the rich -- at the cost of slashing accessible, affordable health care for working families.
Read moreMoCo residents push back on Rice's minimum wage vote at education forum
Montgomery County residents affiliated with Progressive Maryland repeatedly challenged County Council member Craig Rice on his vote against a $15 minimum wage at Wednesday night’s (March 8) education forum.
Read more"Fight for Fifteen" goes to Annapolis; news conference sets priority
Progressive Maryland and many allies -- including some business owners -- testified inside and outside the halls of the Assembly about the urgent need for a $15 minimum wage for Maryland, where the current minimum wage is not enough to live on anywhere in the state.
Read morePM backs bill that would phase out cash bail as discriminating against low-income, poor
Progressive Maryland is backing HB1390 /SB880, a bill to phase out cash bail for many criminal charges because "We absolutely must not have different levels of justice for the poor and the rich." Those incarcerated because they can't raise cash bail lose jobs and the ability to support their families. PM backed the Senate bill last week and does the same for the House bill today, with the testimony below.
Read moreProgressive Maryland Weekly Memo for March 6-12
The Weekly Memo with a full week of action in Annapolis plus MoCo town halls on the school system. Plus the great news about the advance of earned, paid sick leave after a five-year struggle. Now you need to call your senator to pass it with a veto-proof majority on the Senate floor this week.
Read moreMaryland Workers Are Fighting for Survival
Following last year's landmark victories in Washington, DC and New York state, the Fight for $15 continues along the eastern seaboard. The fight picks up Tuesday (March 7) as the House hears a bill that puts Maryland's minimum on a path to $15/hr, because nowhere in Maryland can a family survive and thrive on less than that.
Flying high with the Fourth Estate: Progressive Maryland made the news this week
Progressive Maryland made news and made the news this week and last. A roundup from Larry Stafford, our executive director, of links to news coverage of our activities and causes.
Read moreProgressive Maryland testifies in support of Trust Act.
Prince George’s County lead organizer Jennifer Dwyer delivered Progressive Maryland’s testimony Feb. 28 to the House Judiciary Committee on behalf of a bill protecting vulnerable immigrant populations in Maryland from “unethical, racist and legally questionable” practices of the Trump administration, insulating local governments from complying with federal demands.
Read moreEarned Income Tax Credit changes at state level will help struggling families
Complementary interplay between the federal and Maryland elements of the Earned Income Tax Credit can help struggling low-income families. More could be helped by adjusting the Maryland EITC, but after failing to pass an expanded version last year, lawmakers hope to settle a disagreement between the Senate and House approaches that torpedoed the effort.
Read moreProgressive Maryland Weekly Memo for Feb. 27- March 4
Welcome to the Weekly Memo for Feb. 27-March 4. Lots of hearings in Annapolis this week and more next week; the crunch time is approaching as the legislature hits the halfway point on the way to sine die. Plus local organizing opportunities and links to the past week's blog posts. One-stop shopping for progressives.
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