New governor has bully pulpit, no surprise, rules the news you can use this week

News_You_Can_Use_graphic_(2).pngThe new governor rules the roost as the General Assembly absorbs his list of issue asks. His focus on helping low-income people and veterans, environmental advances and bringing state employment up to speed has been welcomed by most Dems and even some of the GOP minority. Moore's priority list is getting merged with the Democratic supermajority's own priorities even as they keep one eye on revenue and available funds.

We have much more -- people joining the administration, nuts and bolts of Assembly work and how to weigh in as community members, rail networks, tunnels and cannabis markets, other infrastructure, and even trees. Join us for the News You Can Use cornucopia for this week.

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Progressive Maryland Weekly Memo for Monday, January 30, 2023


New bills are still being added to the Maryland General Assembly website every day, and we’ve identified our policy priorities for this legislative session. About a thousand bills have been introduced at this point in Annapolis. We will continue Progressive Maryland’s priority is supporting bills sponsored by our allies that address injustices in the criminal justice system, the realities of environmental racism, the dramatic inequities in healthcare, our economy, and other critically important issues. Stay tuned for news on bills and policy measures (good and bad) as we work to make real progress this Session. 


We need our elected officials to be resolute in delivering for the well-being of workers and communities across the state. And together, we’ll do our job of holding our leaders accountable.



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Moore moves quickly, Assembly's usual deliberate speed, abortion politics at the state line?

News_You_Can_Use_graphic_(2).pngThe new governor, Wes Moore, is moving pretty quickly to undo some of the actions (and cast loose some of the appointees) of Larry Hogan's farewell. The new Assembly begins a four-year set of voyages with a full agenda, and we have help-desk folks among our allies who can map your way to influencing the legislators in Annapolis or remotely. In other news, abortion politics are 180 degrees out of synch at Maryland's Potomac River border with West Virginia. Stay tuned.


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Progressive Maryland Weekly Memo for Monday, January 23, 2023


We’re pleased with the Governor’s announcements around some key spending priorities like higher salaries for state employees, and investments in education and transit. Gov. Moore is lifting up many issues that Progressive Maryland has on our legislative agenda. He wants to accelerate the schedule for reaching a $15 minimum wage so that it happens this summer despite republican backlash and he has allocated $1 billion to education and transportation equally under his proposed budget. In addition, the Governor has released funds related to last year’s Climate Solutions Now Act to address climate change in the state. The Governor stressed the importance of holding him and his administration accountable as the money is spent.


We’re closely tracking the legislation being introduced in Annapolis from our legislative allies as well as bills being introduced that threaten our progressive vision. As things continue to pick up in the legislature, you can expect more opportunities in your inbox with ways for you to get involved with our advocacy efforts. Look out for calls of testimony in the coming weeks as the General Assembly begins to meet more frequently on bill hearings. 


We need our elected representatives to support policies that invest in the well-being of workers, families, and communities across the state. And we need your help to hold our leaders accountable. Read on, and find more ways to help your neighbors, your community -- and you and your family -- gain power in this system and achieve a better life for all.





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New Guv, new budget, paralysis in DC -- what's not to like?

News_You_Can_Use_graphic_(2).pngWe are in the rapids and paddling furiously, now that the General Assembly has the budget from a Democratic governor to massage. Follow the news on that, as well as managing the transition to Blueprint schools and watching the energy improvement possibilities. It's all news you can use. Read on...



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Progressive Maryland to Host Annual Membership Assembly


Progressive Maryland will host it's Annual Membership Assembly on Saturday, February 4th from 10:30am-1:30pm in Anne Arundel County. This member-exclusive event will feature guest speakers and issue task force breakout groups to discuss the future of the movement for building power for Maryland's working families. 


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Progressive Maryland Weekly Memo for Tuesday, January 17, 2023

memo_logo.pngIt’s been a busy month and things will continue to pick up fast in our government. Tomorrow marks the ceremonial beginning of our new era for Maryland as Governor Wes Moore and Lieutenant Governor Aruna Miller will be officially sworn into office. We should expect the Governor to present his budget on Friday and unveil a legislative package the following day that will address education, transportation investments and finalize the last few cabinet office appointments. 


In addition, in two weeks all bills for the legislative session will have been introduced and bill hearings will be occurring more frequently. We’re eager to see what the Governor has planned and to see how we fair with our legislative priorities during session.



We’re excited yet determined to attain many progressive victories in the legislature and in our communities. 


Thank you for being part of the fight.


In solidarity, 

The Progressive Maryland Team

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As new administration arrives, Maryland's problems persist: mental health issues, evictions rising

News_You_Can_Use_graphic_(2).pngA new administration for Maryland will get sworn in tomorrow (Wednesday) -- except for new (and first woman) Comptroller Brooke Lierman, who by state law was sworn in yesterday (Monday) despite the holiday. As we note below, Maryland in the wake of eight years of Larry Hogan's tender care shows plenty of remediation needed. It's all News You Can Use, and you have our permission to get angry enough to do something about it yourself. Team up with others in a group that seeks a better Maryland. May we suggest Progressive Maryland?



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Hybrid Assembly hearings may improve citizen access, input

News_You_Can_Use_graphic_(2).pngHouse Speaker Adrienne Jones and Senate President Bill Ferguson announced in a statement that a new hybrid system for meetings of standing committees in the General Assembly aims to eliminate barriers to public participation in the legislative process while nodding to continuing health concerns. The 2023 session begins tomorrow (Wednesday, January 11). Conduit Street, the Maryland Association of Counties newsblast, has the early details.

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Progressive Maryland Weekly Memo for Monday, January 9, 2023


There’s a lot going on in Maryland right now. While the new cannabis legalization law won't go into effect until July, small possession of cannabis is no longer subject to criminal penalties as of the new year. In addition, the Maryland Medical Assistance Program and the Water Assistance Relief Program have launched and we encourage you to share this information with anyone you know. And in just two days, the Maryland General Assembly will convene as the legislative session will officially begin and last until April 12th. 


We can always count on the new year to introduce an abundance of changes in our personal lives and our state's political status. It’s a crucial time for us and our allies to prepare for the legislative session and garner support for any bills that will help fight for progressive change in Maryland and improve the lives of the working class people in our community. In the 90 days of the legislative session, we will be working persistently to achieve numerous progressive victories. As a reminder, you can view our preliminary 2023 Legislative Agenda here. 


Let's keep organizing and mobilizing against the injustice we face in our communities and across our nation. 








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