Our community members and folks struggling to get the care they need took a stand outside CareFirst Blue Cross Blue Shield offices in Owings Mills yesterday morning! This was one of fifteen actions happening across the country to tell health insurers:
- We’ve had it with their greedÂ
- They don’t have the right to decide what treatment, tests, or medicines we need
- People’s health, not their wealth should be the priority
- To put people firstÂ
Recap video from the rally. Footage provided by John Spillane.
To view the livestream, click here. You can also view photos from the rally here.Â
Momentum is building for a statewide grassroots movement to stop these profiteering corporations. How do we fight their power? With people power! This is how we can win immediate relief for patients who need care and pave the way to a publicly funded, truly universal healthcare system. We’re already winning important fights against Big PhRMA and we’re confident that we can win the campaign against Big Insurance, too.Â
This public pressure campaign needs your support! Urge Congress to take action on claim denials!
Stay tuned for updates and more opportunities to take action next week.Â
Many thanks to everyone who came out yesterday - it was great to be with you at this powerful event. Special shout out to our speakers, volunteers, Task Force leaders, and partners for making it happen!
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