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Call Prince George's County Council Chair Mel Franklin to Demand that the Council take up Paid Sick Leave legislation this fall.

This week, the Prince George's County Council will return to their duties during the Council's legislative session. During this session, the Council has the opportunity to take up Paid Sick Leave legislation that will allow people who work in Prince George's County to earn up to 7 days of paid sick leave. Currently, the legislation has not been scheduled on the Council's fall agenda. Join us on , Tuesday, the day before the start of the Council session to call Prince George's Council Chair Mel Franklin and demand that he and the council take up Paid Sick Days legislation when the Council convenes on September 9th.

Because of his role as the chair of the County Council, Councilmember Franklin has the responsibility to set the agenda for the County Council's legislative session. Because of this authority, his decisions on the agenda impact a constituency throughout Prince George's County.Let's make sure that he hears from us regarding the importance of moving forward with Paid Sick Leave legislation when the Council convenes on September 9th.

RSVP below if you will call Council Chair Mel Franklin's office on September 8th between 11:30AM and 12:30PM to demand that the County Council put Paid Sick Days on the council agenda for the fall. 

Here's a sample script you can use. (Use it as a guide for what to say. However, your personal reasons for supporting the policy are most important and please express those reasons above all else.)

 Hello my name is _____________ I'm calling to tell Council Chair Mel Franklin and the Prince George's County Council to allow paid sick leave legislation on the agenda for the council's fall session. I ask that the Council Chair and the members of the Council take leadership on this issue because it will have critical impacts for families throughout Prince George's County. Prince Georgians deserve quality jobs that create economic security for children and families. We hope that Councilmember Franklin will stand with the working people of Prince George's County and place Paid Sick Leave on the agenda tomorrow.

Councilmember Franklin's Office Can Be Reached At 301-952-3820

  • September 08, 2015 at 9:30am – 4:30pm

Will you call Council Chair Franklin?