Join our Voting Bloc
Elections have dire consequences. As we have seen in Maryland's 2014 cycle, when people stay home we lose. We don't only lose the election, but we lose out on funding for education, critical investments in public transit, and on policies that can better the conditions of the working class. In 2018, we must be prepared to take our state back in the right direction and that fight does not start a year out from the election, it must begin today!
This year we face a critical election for the Presidency, an open Senate seat, the House of Representatives, and local offices in Baltimore city. In this Presidential cycle we are seeing a rise of hateful forces with the elevation of Donald Trump's campaign. These forces will prevail across the country if we do not vote and encourage our friends, family members, and neighbors to vote.
Joining our Voting Bloc means that you pledge to vote based on progressive values and that you will work to activate others in your community to vote as well.
Sign up to join the PMD Voting Bloc Below
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