For Immediate Release
June 11th, 2015 Contact: Larry Stafford, Jr.
Phone: (202) 907-9597
Local Paid Sick Days Bill Passes First Hurdle in Montgomery County
Montgomery County leaders are moving to make protecting workers’ health opportunities part of the countywide workplace standard.
On Thursday June 11th, the Montgomery County Council’s Health and Human Services Committee advanced legislation to require employers in Montgomery County to provide Paid Sick Days to their employees.
Progressive Maryland along with other members of the Working Matters Coalition packed the room at Thursday’s work session to support the bill. Progressive Maryland’s President Elbridge James had the following to say:
“This is a great victory for the nearly 100,000 Montgomery County workers who don’t have access to paid sick leave. Providing sick leave to Montgomery County workers will go a long way to protecting not only the workers, but their families as well. Healthy parents are needed in order to raise healthy children. We appreciate the leadership Council President [George] Leventhal and Councilwoman [Nancy] Navarro have taken on this issue.”
The committee vote sends the bill to be taken up by the full council where Council President Leventhal expects it to pass. Leventhal and Councilwoman Navarro have led the efforts on the Montgomery County Council in advancing the measure. Both councilmembers expressed their fervent support with the following statements.
"I am gratified that the Health and Human Services Committee, which I chair, has responded to the call from President Obama and Labor Secretary Perez to Lead on Leave. I hope the full County Council will adopt a strong bill to provide a very basic and humane minimum threshold of paid leave for employees who are sick or must care for a sick loved one, or who have experienced domestic violence."-Council President George Leventhal
"In a progressive and civilized society, workers deserve basic rights. One of those rights is the ability to take paid, earned leave when they are sick or to care for a loved one. Workers should also be able to take time off in a time of crisis, like when applying for a protective order. With the leadership of Council President and HHS chair Leventhal, I am pleased the committee has moved a bill forward reflecting our values and bringing meaningful protections to thousands of Montgomery County's lowest income and most vulnerable workers."- Councilmember Nancy Navarro
For more information contact Larry Stafford, Jr. (202) 907-9597. www.ProgressiveMaryland.Org
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