The Enclave's History of Neglecting Tenant Welfare Sparks Urgent Call for Change
Silver Spring, MD–In an impactful press conference held yesterday evening, a unified front comprised of Progressive Maryland, dedicated tenant residents, Everyday Canvassing and distinguished elected officials confronted the ongoing challenges
plaguing The Enclave apartment complex. This event emphasized the pressing need for change and swift resolution of tenant concerns. Notable speakers at the conference included Montgomery County Executive Mark Elrich, Montgomery County Council
Member Kristin Mink, and State Delegate Lorig Charkoudian. Tenants, residents, and community leaders united to demand immediate action.
Image of press conference hosts Enclave Tenant Association, Progressive Maryland, and Everyday Canvassing with Montgomery County Official guests in front of the leasing office
The Enclave apartment complex, managed by Rose Valley Management, has faced mounting issues for an extended period. These issues include persistent pest infestations, mold problems, rollbacks in security measures, and frequent elevator malfunctions. Tenants expressed their deep concerns over their living conditions and safety.
"I and my staff have spent significant time here since I took office last December," shared Councilmember Mink. "We've canvassed multiple times, held and attended meetings with residents, and responded on-site to follow up on complaints. What we've seen and heard is unacceptable. I'm not going away, and the residents who are organizing and demanding safe, healthy living conditions aren't going away."
Leaders from Progressive Maryland, Everyday Canvassing, Enclave residents, and County Officials convened in front of the leasing office. They chanted fervently, shared personal stories of their challenging experiences within the apartment complex, and vocalized their demands for reform. The livestream of the action may be found on Progressive Maryland’s Facebook page.
Image of Rahmatullah, Representative of the Afghan community at the Enclave sharing his story. Photo Credit: Benjamin Sky Brandt
Montgomery County Executive Mark Elrich stressed the importance of affordable housing and tenants' rights: "You have a right to be safe, and you have a right to get what you pay for in your rent. We will look for ways to make it more and more difficult for landlords to subject you to these conditions."
State Delegate Lorig Charkoudian added, "We do work very hard and will continue to work hard on your behalf. We will be there for you, but you shouldn't need us to get your repairs. We need to fix the system."
Residents demonstrating at the press conference while County Executive Elrich Speaks. Photo Credit: Benjamin Sky Brandt
The newly-formed Enclave Tenant Association hosted the press conference in conjunction with state and county officials to exert public pressure on The Enclave owners. The association aims to hold the management company accountable for the well-being of their tenants and for addressing the concerns that had gone unresolved for far too long.
In a passionate plea, Abu, a member of the Tenant Association Organizing Committee, recounted a harrowing experience, "I was on the playground with my kids one evening when I heard what sounded like gunshots. The gunman was headed in our direction. We need functional surveillance systems, secure entrances, and pest control measures. Let us remember we possess the power to transform our circumstances."
E, a committee member, outlined the tenants' demands, including the reinstatement of round-the-clock concierge staff, secured entrances, functional surveillance systems, and effective pest control measures.
Additional tenants shared their experiences, emphasizing the urgency for change. Yvonne, who moved to The Enclave on October 1st, voiced concerns about no heat and hot water since her arrival, among other issues.
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