coronavirus_image2.jpgDueling messages are swirling around this Thursday's anniversary of Trump's attack on democracy, and we'll be watchful. Meanwhile, Progressive Maryland members have work to do, an annual Membership Assembly this Saturday to prep for and an upcoming General Assembly session. And COVID's not done with us. You'll find what you need to stay safe and take action with your fellow progressives and make real change in Maryland in 2022.

Happy New Year! Here at Progressive Maryland, we’re kicking off the year with one of our favorite events — our annual Membership Assembly will be held virtually this Saturday, January 8th from 11am–2pm. Every year, this gathering offers an opportunity for us to come together as a community of people dedicated to fighting for a better world. It’s a chance to reflect on the year behind us, take stock of where things stand, and determine what’s ahead for the coming year. 


If you’re not already a Progressive Maryland member, it’s not too late! You can join today to receive an invitation to our 2022 Membership Assembly, where you’ll have the chance to learn more about how to get involved with our grassroots organizing and advocacy work this year. Already a member? Don’t forget to RSVP at the link we sent to your email over the weekend! 


We know this moment can feel overwhelming and uncertain, but we also know that the future is brighter when we harness our collective power! We’re ready to get to work in 2022, and we hope you’ll join us.


In Solidarity,

The Progressive Maryland Team


Become a Progressive Maryland Member


Our members power our work!


Become a Progressive Maryland member TODAY to secure your invitation to our virtual statewide Membership Assembly this Saturday, January 8 from 11am–2pm EST!


In addition to hearing from our grassroots leaders during the event, we'll be joined for a legislative panel featuring progressive champions Del. Lorig Charkoudian (Montgomery County, D20), Del. Joseline Peña-Melnyk (Prince George’s & Anne Arundel Counties, D21), Del. Stephanie Smith (Baltimore City, D45), and Del. Vaughn Stewart (Montgomery County, D19). You won't want to miss it!


We have flexible membership categories — members can choose to waive dues or sign up to give a monthly donation. You can find more details on our membership page. When you become a member, you’ll receive a Zoom link to RSVP for the Membership Assembly.


Quick Actions:


Statewide Updates:


🗳 2022 Election Watch

The special election for the District 8 seat on the Prince George’s County Council takes place TOMORROW (Tuesday, January 4) and we need your help to elect progressive candidate Edward Burroughs! We’re in the home stretch, and we’re ready for some serious change in Prince George’s County politics. Sign up here to make calls with our team this evening or tomorrow to help get out the vote! 



🦠 Omicron COVID Surge: We need leadership, we need action

The COVID surge that began in early December is overwhelming our hospitals, healthcare workers, and testing capacity. Maryland’s public health system is struggling to keep up with growing case numbers, positivity rates, and numbers of patients. We call on Governor Hogan to focus fully on this crisis and declare a state of emergency that reflects the gravity of this situation. This action would help deploy the tools we need:

  • More support and resources for hospitals, caregivers, public health departments, and mental health services.
  • Increased vaccine outreach and additional community vaccination sites; funding for free testing sites and testing kits.
  • Greater efforts to procure and maintain adequate supplies of PPE in order to uphold requirements for safe workplaces. 
  • Mask mandates and vaccine mandates to protect workers in every economic sector and in all of our communities.
  • Eviction moratoriums and programs to prevent anyone from losing their homes during this crisis.
  • Free health care and financial aid for individuals and families who are struggling as a result of the pandemic.

It’s time to focus on the people of Maryland and to support those working so hard to mitigate this surge and serve our residents. The state has a $2.5 billion surplus and unspent Federal pandemic relief funds. Call the Governor at (410) 974-3901 and tell him he needs to step up the state’s response. Visit the Maryland Department of Health website for more information about the rapidly-evolving situation.



📣 Health and Economic Security in the Build Back Better Act

We stand with the many Senate and House Democrats and other progressive champions who are refusing to give up the fight to pass the Build Back Better Act. Joe Manchin recently announced that he would not support the bill, despite all the good it would do for his constituents in West Virginia. But we know the key provisions and investments included in BBB have widespread public support. We’re working this week with our allies to assess the best strategies to pursue in the ongoing fight to lower Rx prices, expand Medicare, extend child tax credits, and help more workers get paid family and medical leave. To get involved, contact Malcolm or Patty.


Local Chapter Updates:


Lower Shore Progressive Caucus 

LSPC’s first meeting of 2022 is this Thursday, January 6 at 6:30pm. This month, we’ll focus on the upcoming 2022 Maryland General Assembly Session (which runs January through March). What are your legislative priorities for this session? What bills would you like to see passed into law? Sign up here for the Zoom link to join!


Progressive Harford County 

Despite our efforts to oppose the measure, the Harford County Council passed a redistricting map that gerrymandered the county’s councilmanic districts in early December. This blatant move to suppress the will of Harford County voters drives home the urgent need to recruit candidates who share our democratic values to run at the local and state levels. Are you interested in running for office in Harford County? Complete our recruitment form and we’ll contact you about next steps for supporting your campaign!


Progressive Montgomery

The Montgomery County Council will hold a public hearing next Tuesday, January 11 at 7:30pm to get feedback on the police accountability bill that was introduced in December without meaningful community input. Our partners are asking MoCo residents to oppose the bill unless it is dramatically amended to strengthen its terms about community oversight of police. You can submit written testimony ahead of the meeting and sign up here to join a watch party for the hearing. 


Progressive Prince George's

The big day is nearly here — the special election for the District 8 seat on the Prince George’s County Council is tomorrow! We need your help to secure a win for our endorsed candidate, progressive champion Edward Burroughs. Join us for the final push as we make calls to constituents tonight and tomorrow! And if you live in District 8, don’t forget to cast your vote — fill out the ballot you received in the mail and be sure it’s postmarked by tomorrow (Tuesday, January 4th) at 5pm. 


State and National News:


The first working day of the new year brings the expected mix of good news (Maryland’s minimum wage increases!) and sordid news (Governor Hogan’s messaging remains cryptic as his administration's Covid response and miserable unemployment compensation process get bad official reviews). Meanwhile, concerns abound as rising Covid numbers in Maryland reflect national trends. On the federal scene, it appears the Senate is primed to focus on voting rights and filibuster reform as we enter 2022, with measures designed to combat the ongoing GOP assault on our democracy.

Get the story – all the news you can use – in our weekly BlogSpace roundup of the state & federal events and issues that matter to Maryland’s working families.  


Events From Progressive Maryland & Our Allies: 

Thursday, January 6 | (times & locations vary) — Vigils and voter actions are being held across the country this week as part of the January 6th Day of Remembrance and Action. Click here to learn more and find an event near you.


Thursday, January 6 | 6:30pm (virtual) — The Lower Shore Progressive Caucus hosts its first monthly meeting of 2022! Register here for the Zoom link.


Saturday, January 8 | 11:00am–2:00pm (virtual) — Join us for Progressive Maryland’s annual Membership Assembly! We look forward to this event every year. Become a member today to receive your invitation! & if you’re already a member, be sure to RSVP at the link you received by email!


Tuesday, January 11 | 7:00pm (virtual) — Join our partners at the Silver Spring Justice Coalition for a watch party of the Montgomery County Council public hearing on its recently-introduced police accountability bill. 

Tuesday, January 18 | 12:00pm (Washington, DC) — Join the Debt Collective in DC during a week of action to demand student debt relief! We’re taking to the streets to call for student loan debt cancellation and a pathway to tuition free college. We’ll meet at noon at the Eisenhower Memorial (540 Independence Ave SW, Washington, DC 20500). Register here to join! 


Progressive Maryland BlogSpace:


We value creating space for our members to express their thoughts on any issues related to our campaigns. Have an idea for a blog post? You can submit writing, film, graphic design, etc. to be published on our website to the blog moderator Woody at [email protected].


woody woodruff


M.A. and Ph.d. from University of Maryland Merrill College of Journalism, would-be radical, sci-fi fan... retired to a life of keyboard radicalism...