We’ve been working and waiting for this moment for years! We can elect a new Democratic Governor this Fall. We have a chance to make history by electing Wes Moore to be Maryland’s first African American Governor! Joining Wes Moore at the top of the statewide ticket are Anthony Brown, running for Attorney General, and Brooke Lierman, running for Comptroller and would serve along with the Governor on the Board of Public Works. All three of these experienced public servants want to use their positions to help usher in a New Era of progressive public policies and public investments. We’re here for it!
So are many of our supporters and leaders across the state but we can’t do it alone! Please help us increase the outreach and organizing we need to do, starting this week. People have already begun to request their ballots which will be sent out starting the first part of October. The Early Voting in person period is October 27- November 3 and Election Day is November 8. Elections offer us a unique opportunity to engage voters in a conversation about our values and the political process. Democracy is on the ballot this Fall and we need to make sure it wins. To ensure that, please volunteer to support our voter outreach programs or our other programs and issue campaigns. This week is a good time to check out efforts and pick one you want to be a part of for the next ten or eleven weeks. Read more below; we hope you’ll join us.
We can do this!
Memo fans:
We’ve been working and waiting for this moment for years! We can elect a new Democratic Governor this Fall. We have a chance to make history by electing Wes Moore to be Maryland’s first African American Governor! Joining Wes Moore at the top of the statewide ticket are Anthony Brown, running for Attorney General, and Brooke Lierman, running for Comptroller and would serve along with the Governor on the Board of Public Works. All three of these experienced public servants want to use their positions to help usher in a New Era of progressive public policies and public investments. We’re here for it!
So are many of our supporters and leaders across the state but we can’t do it alone! Please help us increase the outreach and organizing we need to do, starting this week. People have already begun to request their ballots, which will be sent out starting the first part of October. The Early Voting in person period is October 27- November 3 and Election Day is November 8. Elections offer us a unique opportunity to engage voters in a conversation about our values and the political process. Democracy is on the ballot this Fall and we need to make sure it wins. To ensure that, please volunteer to support our voter outreach programs or our other programs and issue campaigns. This week is a good time to check out efforts and pick one you want to be a part of for the next ten or eleven weeks. Read more below; we hope you’ll join us.
We can do this!
Many Thanks, The Progressive Maryland Team |
Montgomery County: The recount of ballots in the County Executive race began last week and continues today. Thus far it’s been reported that incumbent Marc Elrich and challenger David Blair have each picked up one additional vote so Elrich continues to narrowly lead.
Lower Shore Progressive Caucus: Election Event! Saturday, Sept.3 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. in Salisbury, the LSPC Annual Summer Social! Your chance to hear about and support some great candidates who are running to help turn the Shore blue. Guest speakers include CD 1 candidate Heather Mizeur, State Senate candidate Michele Gregory, and House Delegate candidate Todd Nock. To purchase your ticket, click here. |
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Progressive Maryland Statewide Election Program –Make a donation to our political program to support progressive Democratic candidates like Wes Moore and Anthony Brown running at the top of the ticket; as well as local folks running to make a difference on the Eastern Shore, in Frederick, Harford, Prince George's and Anne Arundel Counties.
Task Forces & Campaign Updates:
Healthcare Campaign: Join us next Wednesday, August 31! Speak Out Against the High Cost of Prescription Drugs, support our Make Medicines Affordable campaign. We’ll talk about drug company price gouging, the struggles that folks are facing when it comes to the price of drugs, how we can push HHS Secretary Becerra to lower the cost of certain medications that are candidates for Executive Action. Sign the petition from our national affiliate, People’s Action, to Secy Becerra asking him to meet with grassroots organizations about this urgent issue: Becerra petition. Contact Patty for more information about our campaign.
Returning Citizens Task Force: This PM Task Force meets biweekly on Tuesday evening. Our next meeting is Tuesday August 30 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The RCTF has a Housing Committee that’s working on getting a halfway house established in Prince George's County to serve the needs of transitioning prisoners. We’ve established a Committee to work on Voter Registration efforts with a focus on events during national voter registration week September 19th-24th.
The TF Jobs Committee has begun planning a campaign to get WMATA, the D.C. regional Metro system, to begin hiring returning citizens. The system, which has significant public funding, employs thousands of people but has a policy in place that denies employment opportunities to formerly incarcerated persons.
If you are interested in learning more or becoming involved in our housing, jobs, or voter registration campaigns, contact Kurt.
Progressive Maryland's Justice Task Force, Returning Citizens Task Force and Drug Task Force are planning a Town Hall in mid-September to strengthen our work to end policies and practices in our state that contribute to mass incarceration. We’ll announce more details in the next Memo and on our social media. If you have questions or are interested contact Kurt or Dev. |
Local Chapter Updates:
Progressive Harford County: We had about 30 people attend our Chapter meeting last Monday evening. Thanks to everyone who came! It was great to hear from our members and from candidates like Heather Mizeur who is running to replace extremist Andy Harris in Congress (and to become the first woman in years to join the Maryland Congressional Delegation. Contact Zack for more information. |
State and National News:
In this week's progressive News You Can Use, Yep, a lot of the news is how the newly inked Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) will affect the nation and, of course, Maryland.
But there are also changes in living costs, up, down and sideways, and how some of those (plus the usual horse-race fixation, to which we, dear progressive readers, are not immune) change the odds in electoral scenarios.
And Labor Day approaches and the beginning of school. There will be students. Will there be enough teachers? Read it all here. |
Progressive Maryland BlogSpace: We value creating space for our members to express their thoughts on any issues related to our campaigns. Have an idea for a blog post? You can submit writing, film, graphic design, etc. to be published on our website to us at [email protected].
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