Healthcare Justice Campaign: Care Over Cost National Teach-In this Wednesday!
Join us for a national virtual forum about the movement to stop health insurance companies from withholding the care we deserve! Organizers, leaders, organizational members, and people who have been harmed by their health insurance companies will discuss the problem, the solutions, and the strategy to win. RSVP here
The New York Times published this story about claims denials in the privatized Medicaid sector. People’s Action member and Iowa CCI leader, Bri Moss, is quoted about her claims denial experience and fight back. Thanks to Bri for sharing her story. If you’ve had or are having a battle with your insurer about covering a medically necessary drug or treatment or about getting a claim paid, we want to hear from you. Click here to fill out the form!.          Â
To get involved in the campaign contact Patty
Returning Citizens Taskforce
Our next meeting will be held virtually tonight, July 24.Â
At our last meeting, we outlined plans for a collaborative event at the Episcopal Church of the Atonement on Saturday, August 12. The event, themed "Find Community, Find Your Voice," will serve as a platform for returning citizens to express their concerns and needs in a public setting. Additionally, there will be direct service providers and an expungement clinic available. Stay tuned for further details to come!
We also heard an update on our grant program, offering support to organizations providing services to individuals re-entering society after incarceration. Learn more and submit your proposal here. The application deadline is July 30.
For more information about our bi-weekly meetings or about any aspect of our work, please contact Kurt.