What a week and what a Primary Season it’s been! We’re still awaiting final results in several races and jurisdictions but a number of outcomes are clear, especially for many of our 2022 Slate Candidates.  Â
But first, let’s highlight the statewide results. Democrats chose Wes Moore and Aruna Miller for Governor and Lieutenant Governor; Anthony Brown for Attorney General; and Brooke Lierman for Comptroller. All of these candidates and their campaigns garnered support across the state, made hundreds of speeches and appearances in which they talked about equity, justice, and building a better Maryland. Moore and Brown are both Army veterans, Miller and Lierman are both experienced lawmakers and proven progressive champions. Congratulations to all of them!
And congratulations to the Progressive Maryland Slate (launched last November) for their incredible campaign efforts over the past year. They have inspired us and galvanized tens of thousands of progressive voters from Frederick to Charles County and from Baltimore to Salisbury. We've got the whole story in the Memo; read on...
What a week and what a Primary Season it’s been! We’re still awaiting final results in several races and jurisdictions but a number of outcomes are clear, especially for many of our 2022 Slate Candidates.    But first, let’s highlight the statewide results. Democrats chose Wes Moore and Aruna Miller for Governor and Lieutenant Governor; Anthony Brown for Attorney General; and Brooke Lierman for Comptroller. All of these candidates and their campaigns garnered support across the state, made hundreds of speeches and appearances in which they talked about equity, justice, and building a better Maryland. Moore and Brown are both Army veterans, Miller and Lierman are both experienced lawmakers and proven progressive champions. Congratulations to all of them!  And congratulations to the Progressive Maryland Slate (launched last November) for their incredible campaign efforts over the past year. They have inspired us and galvanized tens of thousands of progressive voters from Frederick to Charles County and from Baltimore to Salisbury. Here are some major highlights:
 We’re excited about what these leaders can do during the fall election campaigns and once they’re in office. And we’re proud of the rest of the Slate candidates who didn’t prevail but who gave it their all. We look forward to continuing to work with them to advance our vision and values. Hats off to them: Ruben Amaya, Carlos Childs, Logan Endow, Januari McKay, and William “Billy” Reid.  We’re in awe of our amazing and dedicated volunteers! In the past 60 days alone, these leaders and supporters door knocked, called, and texted almost 188,000 voters! They helped us run an effective, targeted get out the vote campaign during Early Voting and in the final push leading up to and on Election Day. We could not have succeeded without them. Campaigns are a lot of work and these folks helped shoulder the load. We enjoyed every minute of teaming up with them.  As you can see, there is much to celebrate about the results of our work and the outcome of the Democratic Primary. Thank you for all of your interest in Maryland politics! If you are not yet a member of Progressive Maryland, please consider joining the organization so you can support our organizing efforts and victories.  Stay safe during this terrible heat wave and through another spike in COVID cases.  In Solidarity, The PM Team |
 Montgomery County:  Six women are likely to gain seats on the Montgomery County Council! PM is proud to have supported three of them: Natali Fani Gonzalez, Laurie-Anne Sayles, as well as Kate Stewat who won decisively in the race for District 4. The Council will go from having only one woman of nine members to having the majority of the eleven seats. The At-Large Council members will be the most demographically and geographically representative group we’ve ever seen. It’s still too early to tell if Pm endorsed candidate Marc Elrich will win re-election as County Executive. He leads by a few hundred votes as we go to print.  Prince George’s County: A progressive bloc is poised to take the majority on the Prince George’s County Council! Our Slate candidates Wala Blegay (District 6) Krystal Oriadha (District 7) Edward Burroughs will be joined on the Council by Eric Olsen (District 3) who is a PM endorsed candidate. All will be able to join with current progressive members to help create a more representative and responsive Council.   Here’s an article from the Washington Post about what was at stake in the Prince George’s contests.  Harford County: Congratulations to Progressive Harford County's endorsed candidates Heather Mizeur (US House 1) Jacob Bennett (County Council) and Stephen Puopolo (Board of Education) for their Primary victories!  Stay tuned for more results, more reporting and more analysis on our social media sites and in emails going out this week. |
Task Forces & Campaign Updates:  The PM Healthcare Task Force will resume its biweekly Wednesday meetings next week on August 3. Our focus in the coming months is the Campaign to Advance Medicare For All, the Make Medicines Affordable Campaign, and our ongoing efforts to End Medical Debt. Contact Patty if you want to get involved.  Rx Drug Pricing: The Senate can pass Prescription Drug Pricing Reform this month. The measure would require Medicare to negotiate the cost of prescription drugs, cap out of pocket costs for Medicare beneficiaries, and would save patients and the Federal government billions of dollars. The pharmaceutical industry and its CEOs are raking in record breaking, obscene profits and this measure will help put some of that money back into the hands of patients and taxpayers.Â
Local Chapter Updates: Â Progressive Harford County: Congratulations to Progressive Harford County's endorsed candidates Heather Mizeur, Jacob Bennett and Stephen Puopolo for advancing past their primaries. We also want to recognize Sarahia Benn and Nolanda Robert; they didn't advance past their primaries but they ran great campaigns. Join Progressive Harford for our post-primary election recap on August 15 at 7 p.m. on Zoom. We will have our endorsed candidates speak on how the primary went for them and then outline what they'll need from the chapter during the general election. |
State and National News:  Winners and losers are still fresh news in the primary election results every day because Maryland makes election offices wait to process mail-in ballots until the polls close. So last Tuesday’s primary was just the beginning. Larry Hogan, having guaranteed that election results would trickle in slowly just in case yahoos needed time to fan claims of fraud, now dismisses his party's chances in the gubernatorial general election and moves serenely on to preach Maryland-style "moderation" with a side of presidential aspirations. But some other news you can use is fighting its way through the muddle. Read it here. |
Events and Actions from Allies: Â For the People Maryland (of which PM is a Member): We support the DISCLOSE Act in the U.S. Senate to regulate super PACs, dark money groups, and corporate donors who have far too much influence in our political and legislative process. We can make progress and real headway on key racial justice, healthcare, and environmental protection if we get money out of politics. Please call our Senators to urge them to support the DISCLOSE Act. Call Sen. Cardin and Sen. Van Hollen: Call your Senator today to voice your support for the DISCLOSE Act |
Progressive Maryland BlogSpace: We value creating space for our members to express their thoughts on any issues related to our campaigns. Have an idea for a blog post? You can submit writing, film, graphic design, etc. to be published on our website to us at [email protected].
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