
As we kick off this week's memo, we are thrilled to see the growing recognition and celebration of Juneteenth across the nation, especially here in Maryland. This celebration of freedom and community is picking up momentum, and we're proud to be part of a state that honors this significant day. Be sure to check out our Juneteenth Jubilees section for a roundup of celebrations happening statewide. And as we continue to celebrate Pride Month, there are still plenty of events happening so be sure to check those out as well.


June is also African American Music Appreciation Month, established by President Jimmy Carter in 1979 to honor the invaluable contributions of African American musicians across all genres. Look at the "Rhythms of June" section for events celebrating the rich legacy of Black musicians throughout Maryland.


As always, we have a packed agenda this week, with updates from our issue campaigns and taskforces. Read on to stay informed and for ways to get involved!


In Solidarity,

The Progressive Maryland Team





Here’s what’s in today’s memo:

    • PM Task Forces & Issue Campaigns Updates
    • Local Chapter Updates
    • Pride Events 
    • Juneteenth Events
    • Black Music Month
    • State & National News

PM Task Forces & Issue Campaigns Updates

Healthcare Justice: Juneteenth and all year long!

Let’s recognize Juneteenth this week by lifting up the dire need for racial and gender justice in our healthcare system. If we had a healthcare system that wasn’t dominated by private insurers, profiteering drug companies, and unaccountable hospitals, our country would have the capacity and resources we need to address the discrimination and barriers to care that communities of color face.


The Care Over Cost campaign is working to shine a light on how care and claim denials disproportionately impact people of color. We’re demanding full disclosure of age, race, geographic and demographic breakdowns when it comes to whose care insurance companies are denying or delaying.  


Now is the time to build the political power it’s going to take to hold insurers accountable and to secure policies and regulations that will bring down the barriers to a better, more just healthcare system.


Be a part of this campaign!

 ➢  Volunteer

 ➢ Share your experience at -lawmakers respond when they hear our stories,

 ➢ Email Patty for more information or if you want to tell us about a community event we should attend.



Environmental Justice Task Force: Listen Lead Share Session Phase 2


Last Wednesday, June 12th the Environmental Justice Task Force held a candid virtual Phase 2 Listen Lead Share Session (LLS), which was facilitated by Senay Emmanuel, Progressive Maryland’s Climate Policy Analyst. In addition, 12 frontline community members gave life to this discussion, and spoke their truth about the everlasting poor conditions in their communities. 


Brandon Brooks, Environmental Justice Coordinator with the  Maryland Department of the Environment also was in attendance to listen to the perturbations of the residents of Cherry Hill, Brooklyn, and Westport neighborhoods. Several community members shared some jaw-dropping insights concerning the lack of trees, which many believe are causing heat islands in their neighborhood. And there were also complaints of homeless individuals hijacking the vacant homes in the neighborhood and illegally siphoning electricity from other residents, which can increase their utility bill.


This community led LLS has provided the EJTF with insight on the path it should take to win short term and long term environmental justice issue-based campaigns. As the EJTF refines its focus in terms of environmental justice issues in South Baltimore; stay tuned for updates.


If you would like to support the EJTF during a tabling or canvassing shift, reach out to SirJames


PM Local Chapter Updates

South Prince George's County:


We are tired of our school's quality in Prince George's County! There are currently federal opportunities to improve our schools' infrastructure through solar panels and we want to take advantage of these to provide extra student, teacher, and community resources. Join us on June 22nd from 2:00 - 3:30 to demand that the school board and Oxon Hill elected leaders take our schools and our communities seriously! RSVP here. 

Lower Shore Progressive Caucus

Join the LSPC for Salisbury Pride! This is a wonderful opportunity to engage with our community and advocate for our state and local candidates. Sign up here!



➜ Frederick Pride

Saturday, June 22nd from 11-6 at Carroll Creek Linear Park in Frederick, MD


➜ Salisbury Pride

Saturday, June 29, 3-7pm in Downtown Salisbury


➜ MoCo  Pride

Sunday, June 30th 12pm to 8pm at Veterans Plaza


➜  Annapolis Parade & Festival

This free annual celebration will take place at the Bates Athletic Complex on Saturday, June 22nd with music headliners, local talent and fireworks. 


➜   Reginald F. Lewis Museum Celebration

On June 19th from 11am-5:30pm the Reginald F Lewis Musueum will be holding a free event with quilt making and musical &monologue performances.


➜  National Harbor Juneteenth Celebration

On June 19th, there will be an array of events including a black owned marketplace and a cultural showcase at the National Harbor in Fort Washington, MD.


➜  Juneteenth in Carroll County

On June 22 from 10am-5pm, in downtown Carroll County there will be live performances from chorus, comedians and storytellers plus panel discussions and community vendors


âžœSummer Prince George's Kickoff: Celebrating Black Music Month

June 20 10am-5:30pm


➜ Baltimore AFRAM

June 22- June 23


Marijuana pardons in large numbers; weather begins to top the news; PSC eye-pokes Exelon; and more


Maryland's usually compliant Public Service Commission says "no" to Exelon conglomerate's local minions; Gov. Moore will pardon 175,000 (!) marijuana "offenders" and the summer weather finally emerges from its lair and gets our attention. Plus doctors join the picket line, more or less, and it is getting harder to hire police. It's News You Can Use.  

Progressive Maryland BlogSpace:

We value creating space for our members to express their thoughts on any issues related to our campaigns. Have an idea for a blog post? You can submit writing, film, graphic design, etc. to be published on our website to the blog moderator Woody.

>>Read more on the homepage of




Don't forget to follow us on social media!

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Progressive Maryland
P.O. Box 6988
Largo, MD 20792

woody woodruff


M.A. and Ph.d. from University of Maryland Merrill College of Journalism, would-be radical, sci-fi fan... retired to a life of keyboard radicalism...