Environmental Justice Task Force:
This past Saturday, Progressive Maryland, One Pennsylvania, and Reclaim Philadelphia gathered on a cold and wet day at the Montgomery County Education Association building in Rockville, MD, for a powerful all-day training on the fundamentals of organizing: Self-Interest, Power, and One-on-Ones.
Lev Hirsthhorn, Political Director for Progressive Maryland, commenced the training with a personal story on what brought him to the movement space. Enthusiastically, he led an impactful training on power, which increased levels of vulnerability in the room as the training progressed. Drawing from his rich experience, he shared prudent insights with trainees on behaviors they were displaying that created barriers to building the power they desired. These insights fueled discussions on issues of classism, racism, and post-slavery conditions in black and brown communities across America.
Next, Sergio Cea, Political Director with Reclaim Philadelphia, led a thought-provoking training on self-interest, with SirJames as the lead evaluator for his training section. He highlighted how consequential it was for volunteer leaders to be clear on their self-interest and that of others, in sustaining durable power for the present and future.
Nydea Graves , a dynamic black organizer with 15 years of experience in political advocacy, led a forceful training on the importance of having 1:1s. She shared a personal story about running for a city council seat in Coatesville, PA, and winning. Nydea emphasized the importance of asking personal questions about one’s life in a 1:1, contrasting it with discussing campaign issues. In a packed room, she stood tall and shared the raw truth about how black people did not need political experts or public policy wonks to liberate themselves from oppression. She pointed to the fact that enslaved blacks and abolitionists, united with their own imagination, liberated themselves from 400 years of chattel slavery.
With a fine-tooth comb, she tapped into the hearts of many trainees in the room, effectively agitating them on behaviors that precluded them from showing up and building the power they desired.
Throughout the week, SirJames, members of EJTF, and environmental justice allies will continue activating constituents in South Baltimore to call into Senate President Bill Ferguson and House Speaker Adrienne Jones' offices in the home stretch to get the Reclaim Renewable Energy Act of 2024 resurrected and scheduled for a vote before the legislative session adjourns on Monday, April 8th.
If you have an interest in helping the EJTF get the RREA scheduled for a vote before the 2024 legislative session ends, reach out to SirJames here.
Acknowledgments and Gratitude: I’d like to shout out Lev Hirthshhorn, Political Director for Progressive Maryland, for leading a powerful and impactful training on Power; Sergio Rea, Political Director for Reclaim Philadelphia, for leading a thought-provoking training on Self-Interest; Nydea Graves, Political Organizer with One Pennsylvania, for leading an imaginative and moving training on 1:1s; EJTF leaders Shenae Thomas and Zack Buster for their bravery in deeply engaging the trainers on the fundamental organizing principles.