Eid Mubarak! We wish all who are observing a happy and prosperous Eid!
A team of Progressive Maryland staff traveled to Denver this past weekend to attend the People’s Action Strategy Summit. Two of PM’s leaders, Mike Walsh and Alfrieda Hylton, also attended the event. Each of them shared their personal stories with the full assembly, Mike’s about health care and Alfrieda’s about ending the drug war. We’re so grateful to them for sharing their powerful and moving stories from the stage with the 300 folks in the room and others of us who watched on zoom. And Sulma Arias, the new Executive Director of People’s Action, delivered an inspiring welcome speech on Friday to open our first in-person large gathering since 2019.
While there, dozens of participating organizations and leaders committed to building long term organizing efforts to win healthcare justice for all, to end environmental racism and fight climate change, to win a National Tenant’s Bill of Rights, to end the war on drugs, and to reinvigorate movement politics. We’re excited by the potential our national network has to build and wield grassroots power. We’re honored to have you in this struggle with us.Â
Will you help us spur others into action? On the immediate front, please get involved with our 2022 election campaigns, donate your time or money, door knock and talk to voters, take a shift at an early voting site, or sign up to phonebank. Let’s make Maryland better together!
In Solidarity,Â
The Progressive Maryland Team
 Eid Mubarak! We wish all who are observing a happy and prosperous Eid!  A team of Progressive Maryland staff traveled to Denver this past weekend to attend the People’s Action Strategy Summit. Two of PM’s leaders, Mike Walsh and Alfrieda Hylton, also attended the event. Each of them shared their personal stories with the full assembly, Mike’s about health care and Alfrieda’s about ending the drug war. We’re so grateful to them for sharing their powerful and moving stories from the stage with the 300 folks in the room and others of us who watched on zoom. And Sulma Arias, the new Executive Director of People’s Action, delivered an inspiring welcome speech on Friday to open our first in-person large gathering since 2019.  While there, dozens of participating organizations and leaders committed to building long term organizing efforts to win healthcare justice for all, to end environmental racism and fight climate change, to win a National Tenant’s Bill of Rights, to end the war on drugs, and to reinvigorate movement politics. We’re excited by the potential our national network has to build and wield grassroots power. We’re honored to have you in this struggle with us.  Will you help us spur others into action? On the immediate front, please get involved with our 2022 election campaigns, donate your time or money, door knock and talk to voters, take a shift at an early voting site, or sign up to phonebank. Let’s make Maryland better together!  In Solidarity, The Progressive Maryland Team |
Quick Actions:
Become a Progressive Maryland Member  If you care about the organizing efforts shared in this memo, please support our work by becoming a Progressive Maryland member today! Our members power our grassroots community outreach efforts. We provide flexible membership categories — folks can choose the level of support that works for them. Learn more about the benefits of being a member and how to join at pgmd.us/join!  |
2022 Maryland Elections:  The statewide Gubernatorial Primary Election is in just 78 days on Tuesday, July 19. Please cast your vote for each and every office that’s on the ballot, up and down the ticket. Key dates:
Please heed our call to action:  We’re knocking doors and running phone banks to reach voters across the state. People power makes the difference for grassroots candidates so sign up today!  Visit pgmd.us/electionvolunteer to sign up to support candidates who are running on core progressive issues and values. We’ll provide the training and tools you need, so all levels of experience are welcome. If you have experience, we could use your help training new folks. Contact Yves.  Check out Throwdown Thursday phonebank from 6–8pm. Click this link to let us know you’ll join! You’ll meet some great folks, and we’ll show you how it’s done.  Support the work of our New Era PAC at a special virtual anniversary event on May 21. Candidate Corner: Early May Events and News  Wednesday May 4 | 7:30-9:00 PM | Montgomery County Democrats County Council At-Large Candidates Forum Zoom in to hear Montgomery County Council At-Large candidate Laurie-Anne Sayles, who is endorsed by us and many other community based groups including CASA inAction, talk about her vision for the Council and the County. |
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 Friday May 13 | 6:30pm | Jamila Woods for Delegate Campaign Kickoff! Jamila is running in District 26 in Prince George’s County. She’s on the PM Slate and is a well known community leader and advocate. Event takes place at 5620 Saint Barnabas Road in Marlow Heights. |
Statewide & Federal Updates: Â
Get ready for a milestone month of May! Sen.Bernie Sanders (I-VT) will introduce his Medicare For All bill in the Senate next week and he plans to hold a hearing in the Budget Committee the same day. Please contact Malcolm or Patty to get involved in our efforts to organize for Medicare for All in the coming months, including deep canvassing, clipboarding at community events and parades, and doing phone banks. It’s a great time to get involved!
State and National News:  Our system of democratic elections is really an intricate one (it may look easy but a lot of labor is involved) and it depends on people's routines -- routines that many of us don't even think about ordinarily but REALLY had to focus on during the pandemic.  Along with your personal routines that get you to the polls or make sure that you get that mail ballot requested and returned on time are the routines of others. And many of them got disturbed in the 2020 election, especially in other states, in ways that have thrown doubt on the strength of our democratic process. Some of those, we see in this week's News You Can Use, are election judges -- who are wondering if they can continue doing this nearly-free public service when faced by open abuse from people who seem to think a staggering democratic process is to their advantage.  Your democratic rights are threatened in many different ways -- that hasn't gotten better. See what you can do, here in News You Can Use. Also find out what Dem heavyweights are split on the Dem governors’ primary and what hopes there are for some wisp of BBB – Democrats are calling for a budget reconciliation package again in order to keep their majorities in the midterms, saying that they need a deal by Memorial day in order to get it passed by July 4th. Outlets are reporting that Senator Manchin and the White House are chatting about what can be included. And Senator Elizabeth Warren has her own list, starting with NOT ignoring inflation but using it as an indicator of corporate greed. She says Dems can "avoid disaster in November" and Congress should legislate relief for working families on a number of fronts -- or force the GOP to vote against popular programs of proven worth. |
Events From Progressive Maryland & Our Allies:  Saturday, June 18 | 10 AM (Washington, DC) — We’re still a couple months out, but the Poor People’s Campaign is organizing a Poor People’s and Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly and Moral March on Washington & to the Polls in June! This event will be a declaration of the power of poor and low-wealth people to say this system is killing us, and it’s time to change it. Learn more and RSVP here. |
Progressive Maryland BlogSpace: We value creating space for our members to express their thoughts on any issues related to our campaigns. Have an idea for a blog post? You can submit writing, film, graphic design, etc. to be published on our website to the blog moderator Woody at [email protected].
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