We’re in touch this week with the deep gratitude we feel for our members, volunteers, supporters and leaders. We give thanks to you for being a part of Progressive Maryland, following our accomplishments, and investing in our work. As the holiday season begins to take off, now is the perfect time to take a breath and reflect on the true meaning of this season–giving. All of you have helped us make this a milestone election year in our state. We want to continue building on our accomplishments and, with your help, we can greatly extend our achievements. We ask that you support our organization this giving season as we’ll be spending the rest of the year planning our advocacy work for the upcoming legislative session, mapping out our powerbuilding efforts, talking to allies, and getting ready for events like our annual Membership meeting on January 28. Find out the depth and richness of our work in our Memo. Read on.
We’re in touch this week with the deep gratitude we feel for our members, volunteers, supporters and leaders. We give thanks to you for being a part of Progressive Maryland, following our accomplishments, and investing in our work. As the holiday season begins to take off, now is the perfect time to take a breath and reflect on the true meaning of this season–giving. All of you have helped us make this a milestone election year in our state. We want to continue building on our accomplishments and, with your help, we can greatly extend our achievements. We ask that you support our organization this giving season as we’ll be spending the rest of the year planning our advocacy work for the upcoming legislative session, mapping out our powerbuilding efforts, talking to allies, and getting ready for events like our annual Membership meeting on January 28. On tomorrow’s international day of giving, nonprofits rely on their network to band together and join the movement to ensure vital community operations can thrive. . Making a donation or signing up to volunteer for any of our many task forces and issue campaigns makes all the difference. Thank you for all of your involvement and the ways in which you are making Maryland better. May you be inspired today and tomorrow’s #GivingTuesday to make a contribution to your favorite nonprofit.
We can make the most of 2023! And we need to –the future of our public schools, next steps on cannabis legalization, investments in healthcare and good jobs, and issues like environmental justice are all on the line. We know we’ll face tough opposition from corporate interests and lobbyists on many fronts. But we can advance a bold progressive agenda if we build more people power. If you’re not yet a member please consider joining us for this upcoming critical year. Sign up here.
Read the memo, check out our news and blog space, and follow us on social media.
Stay engaged and stay well.
With gratitude,
The Progressive Maryland Team
Election results are final, view here.
PM Endorsed Candidate Results: We’re delighted to report that PM had an 81% win rate for our endorsed candidates in the General Election. Click here to see our winning candidates.
Our national affiliate, People’s Action held a great election debrief and conversation about what’s next with progressives we helped elect around the country: You can watch it here.
Updates: PM Task Forces and Issue Campaigns
Health Care For All
We’re excited about organizing for health care wins in the 2023 Maryland General Assembly. We’ll focus on ensuring that the Prescription Drug Affordability Board gets off to a strong start in their actions to set upper payment limits (UPLs) on some of the medications that the state and local governments purchase. We’ll be active in the campaign to end medical debt, to expand health care in Mayland foe undocumented residents,and in supporting proposals for more resources and clinics dedicated to mental health services, Long Covid treatment, and addressing the staffing crisis in the healthcare field. To get involved in our work, contact Patty.
Returning Citizens Task Force (RCTF)
RCTF will hold its regular bi-weekly meeting on Tuesday, November 29 from 6:00 -- 7:00 pm. Our agenda will include a brief recap of PM’s Election Debrief on Nov. 17 and a discussion of local initiatives around housing, jobs and other needed services to support people returning home from prison.To learn more, contact Kurt.
Local Chapter Updates:
Progressive Harford County
Our chapter is growing and needs your support with our activities. Click here to fill out the form. For questions or more information contact Zack.
Progressive Prince George’s
Mark your calendars! The new Members of the County Council will be sworn in at the Exchange of Gavel next Tuesday, Dec. 6 at the Wayne K. Curry Administration Building. The event is free. To register, you must RSVP with the Clerk of the Council today, Nov.28th, by emailing her to attend.
We hope you can join to show solidarity with these new Members, many of whom we worked hard to elect. Or watch live here.
For questions, concerns or ways to get involved with our Chapter: Join
Progressive Montgomery
The Inauguration of the Montgomery County Council and County Executive is next Monday, December 5th at 11am. The ceremony is free and open to the public and is taking place at the Music Center at Strathmore. RSVP is required! It will also be live-streamed, and you can watch HERE.
Come out to show your support for PM endorsed candidates Laurie-Anne Sayles, Natali Fani-Gonzalez, and Kate Stewart who will be joining Kistin Mink, Dawn Luedtke and Marilyn Balcombe to make history as the first ever female majority on the Council!
Lower Shore Progressive Caucus
We’re making our plans to build on all the election organizing work that happened this year. We need you! Contact Kris to learn more and get involved: [email protected]
Thursday, Dec. 1 | 7:00 p.m. Montgomery County Police Accountability Board Meeting, Silver Spring. The Silver Spring Justice Coalition ((SSJC) asks community members to attend (in person or virtually.) Attend in person at the Silver Spring Civic Building at 1 Veterans Place, Silver Spring in the Fenton Room. Or online by following the link to County Calendar and scroll down to Dec. 1.
This is the first quarterly meeting with all of the County's police chiefs and the County Sheriff with the community. The PAB was created to engage with the community regarding policing practices and reforms. The Board accepts suggested discussion topics.
State and National News:
News You Can Use for a slowish week between one holiday and the next. Keep your footing for tomorrow’s Giving Tuesday, and consider if you like your fresh water to stay fresh, how guaranteed income is working out in Charm City, how SWAT teams for voter fraud flopped in their showy debuts – and Congress is back with one eye on the calendar more than ever – what can be accomplished in the “lame duck? Get this and more in this week’s News You Can Use blog roundup.
Progressive Maryland BlogSpace:
We value creating space for our members to express their thoughts on any issues related to our campaigns. Have an idea for a blog post? You can submit writing, film, graphic design, etc. to be published on our website to the blog moderator, Woody.
- New Today – News You Can Use -- and Progressive Maryland power-building you can enable
- State, national Dems and progressives continue to smile... news you can use
- PM Statement Against Recent, Local Antisemitism Graffiti
- Winners in MD line up next steps, face promise-keeping
- Tomorrow: "The Great Mystery of Democracy" -- then the year-round fight to keep it
>>Read more on the homepage of progressivemaryland.org
Progressive Maryland
P.O. Box 6988
Largo, MD 20792
United States
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