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Progressive Maryland Weekly Memo for Monday, October 30, 2023
woody woodruff
October 30, 2023

As we approach the vibrant celebration of Dia de los Muertos, we take a moment to recognize and honor this important cultural celebration and extend our warmest thoughts to all those who partake in this beautiful tradition. DĂa de los Muertos is a Mexican holiday, with Indigenous Mexica and Nahua origins, where families welcome back the souls of their deceased relatives. It is a beautiful celebration with a rich culture, often featuring calacas (skeletons) and calaveras (skulls) in symbolism.
With the upcoming municipal elections fast approaching, check out our Election Corner section where you can find the latest updates on our endorsed candidates and vital information to help you make informed choices in these important local races. Election Day is just around the corner, on Tuesday, November 7th.Â
This fall, our issue campaigns and task forces have been incredibly busy, tirelessly working to create positive change in our community. Read on for detailed updates on the progress we've made and the upcoming events on our calendar. Check out our news you can use section to see what big things are happening in our state!
In Solidarity,
The Progressive Maryland Team
As we approach the vibrant celebration of Dia de los Muertos, we take a moment to recognize and honor this important cultural celebration and extend our warmest thoughts to all those who partake in this beautiful tradition. DĂa de los Muertos is a Mexican holiday, with Indigenous Mexica and Nahua origins, where families welcome back the souls of their deceased relatives. It is a beautiful celebration with a rich culture, often featuring calacas (skeletons) and calaveras (skulls) in symbolism.
With the upcoming municipal elections fast approaching, check out our Election Corner section where you can find the latest updates on our endorsed candidates and vital information to help you make informed choices in these important local races. Election Day is just around the corner, on Tuesday, November 7th.Â
This fall, our issue campaigns and task forces have been incredibly busy, tirelessly working to create positive change in our community. Read on for detailed updates on the progress we've made and the upcoming events on our calendar. Check out our news you can use section to see what big things are happening in our state!
In Solidarity,
The Progressive Maryland Team
Here’s what’s in today’s memo:
Election Corner
- PM task forces & issue campaigns: HCTF, EJTFÂ
Events from Allies
- State & National news
Election Corner: Prepare for Election Day
Get to know the candidates:
Read these pieces on Iyamide House, Izola Shaw and Martin Mitchell to learn about their visions for their communities!
Other links:
Watch the Laurel Mayoral Candidates Forum video here if you missed it.
Upcoming Events:
Updates: PM Task Forces & Issue CampaignsÂ
Healthcare Justice: Taking Action This Fall!
Care Over Cost Campaign UpdatesÂ
Proof that we need to Crack Down On Health Insurance Companies!
A new survey found more than half of Americans could not pay off an unexpected $5,000 health care out-of-pocket expense. The latest Nationwide Retirement Institute Health Care Cost in Retirement survey found that more than half of respondents lack confidence in their ability to pay for health care costs as they age, and a similar number also worry about their ability to pay for caregiving for their partner or spouse.
- Another recent survey from the Commonwealth Fund found that Insurance coverage often fails to help Americans avoid medical debt. The report showed that, in addition to the 51% of Americans that struggle to afford their healthcare, there is growing concern over medical expenses causing worse health and economic outcomes. “While having health insurance is always better than not having it, the survey findings challenge the implicit assumption that health insurance in the U.S. buys affordable access to care,” said the study’s authors. Read it here!
Fight Back:Â Â
 ➔  Join our HC Task Force, help us plan and take the next steps in our state and national campaign: Join us here!Â
 ➔ Come out for a door knocking shift with us on Saturday afternoon, Nov. 4th. Click here to sign up.
Environmental Justice Task Force:Â On the ground in Cherry hill, Public Meeting in November
With over 80 RSVPs for our public meeting on Thursday, November 16 from 6:15p-7:45pm, this past Saturday the EJTF knocked over 100 doors in Cherry Hill to amplify awareness of this critical event. To attend this event, register here.
Moreover, the EJTF is holding phone bank sessions and needs your support to help secure more RSVPs for the public forum. The EJTF public meeting phone bank sessions are as follows:Â
- Wednesday, November 1 (5p-8p)
- Friday, November 3 (5p-8p)
- Wednesday, November 8 (5p-8p)
- Friday, November 10 (5p-8p)Â
- Monday, November 13 (5p-8p)
- Wednesday, November 15 (5p-8p)
- Thursday November 16 (12p-4p). Â
If you would like to throw down and support these upcoming EJTF phone bank calls, reach out to SirJames.
MD Webinar: Gov. Moore's Fork in the Road: Pathways to 100% Renewables
Tonight, October 30 at 6pm, Food & Water Watch and Nuclear Information Resource Service (NIRS) are hosting an informative webinar about Maryland's path to 100% renewable energy by 2035 and net zero emissions by 2045. Click here to Register.
Come hear more about the state of Maryland's renewable energy system and how we intend to push Governor Moore to release the most ambitious climate package Maryland has ever seen. This webinar will also include a presentation from special guest Tim Judson, executive director of NIRS.
State and National News:
A billion four would leave a hole in Maryland's budget the size of the Hogan admin's incompetence. How did that minus number emerge? Better news -- a Year of Service program that seems realistically based and at the proper scale for a start-up program. Plus: a federal shutdown is still possible and the state is getting ready for it. And: tackling the problem of mass incarceration from both directions; Baltimore tech hub; a grant for fighting Alzheimer's; catching tropical fish in the Bay; lots of national and state news from outside our boundaries too. It's News You Can Use for this week, from Progressive Maryland's eyeballs to you.
Progressive Maryland BlogSpace:
We value creating space for our members to express their thoughts on any issues related to our campaigns. Have an idea for a blog post? You can submit writing, film, graphic design, etc. to be published on our website to the blog moderator Woody.
>>Read more on the homepage of
Don't forget to follow us on social media!
Progressive Maryland P.O. Box 6988 Largo, MD 20792
M.A. and Ph.d. from University of Maryland Merrill College of Journalism, would-be radical, sci-fi fan... retired to a life of keyboard radicalism...
Progressive Maryland Weekly Memo for Monday, October 30, 2023
Progressive Maryland Weekly Memo for Monday, October 30, 2023
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