Where is it easiest (and hardest) to vote? Where is Maryland?
Maryland's barriers to voting are few compared to some other states, but that doesn't mean we should be complacent. And in states where voting IS hard, we might consider how to help our friends and their neighbors get their votes counted. See where our state falls in the rankings, easiest to hardest.
Read moreHighlighting our endorsed candidates statewide as Early Voting is under way NOW in Maryland
Progressive Marylanders: Early voting is under way right now and continues through November 2, the day before Election Day November 3. It includes Saturday (Oct. 31) and Sunday (Nov. 1) and runs from 7 AM to 8 PM in most locations. Get more voting information below, and check out Progressive Maryland's endorsed candidates, chosen after careful vetting and questionnaires to be sure we are backing progressive candidates. See all of our Progressive Maryland endorsees HERE. Today, we highlight our endorsees in Calvert, Montgomery and Prince George’s counties and in the Congressional race in District 1. Read on.
Read moreProgressive Maryland Weekly Memo for Monday, October 26, 2020
EARLY VOTING BEGINS TODAY and runs till next Monday, Nov. 2 Early voting starts today! Early voting centers will be open from 7:00AM-8:00 PM. Click here to find an early voting center in your county. Early voting is available each and every day from today, October 26, until Monday, Nov.2. from 7:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. including on Saturday and Sunday. Safety procedures like distancing will be in place. Remember to mask up.
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EARLY VOTING BEGINS TOMORROW -- Check out our endorsed candidates and VOTE
Progressive Marylanders: Early voting statewide begins TOMORROW – Monday, October 26 – and continues through November 2, the day before Election Day November 3. It includes Saturday (Oct. 31) and Sunday (Nov. 1) and runs from 7 AM to 8 PM in most locations. On how to vote, and who Progressive Maryland is backing, read on...
Read moreProgressive Maryland Weekly Memo for Monday, October 19, 2020
Early voting begins next week and tomorrow is the deadline for requesting an absentee -- "mail-in" ballot. Read all about it in the Memo, plus updates on how the Hogan administration is doing in the struggle to cope with COVID (spoiler alert: not good), how to contest the corporate darling Judge Amy, and working to support progresssive down-ballot candidates in jurisdictions all over the state. Check it out in this week's Progressive Maryland Weekly Memo.
Read moreProgressive Maryland Weekly Memo for Monday, October 12, 2020
As the election draws closer we continue to remind you of the little things it takes to make sure your vote counts. If you are tired of seeing them here, that's understandable. The way to conveniently ignore that information is to vote early, vote absentee, get it done.
Meanwhile the Weekly Memo is otherwise populated with insights to keep you and your community chugging ahead to make change. Make it happen.
Read moreFines, fees dog returning citizens here -- not just in Florida
Marylanders shocked by Florida's vindictive requirement that ex-felons must pay off all fees before they can vote should know that equally onerous requirements hobble returning citizens iin Maryland as well. In Florida, GOP legislators connived to suppress votes after the state's voters, in a referendum, determined that ex-felons should enjoy the right to vote. In Maryland, not so dramatically, the impediiments to resumng life in society pile up with equal, remorseless tenacity. Maryland Matters's Hannah Gaskill recounts testimony from the Job Opportunities Task Force, our progressive ally organization focusing on the ways poverty is criminalized and perpetuated in our state.
Read moreWith no special session, MD legislators are ignoring their responsibilities
Time is running out for the Maryland General Assembly to do what its clear duties require and meet in Special Session to finish their work from the cut-off session in spring 2020 and remedy the shortfalls of the Hogan administration in keeping the state's people and economy protected from the effects of COVID-19.
Here, a participant in the recent People's Special Session recounts how the leaders of the Assembly tried -- and failed -- to pre-empt or muffle these demands by crashing the People's Special Session.
As Rashad Lloyd says here in a Maryland Matters commentary, "The people won’t forget the harm the General Assembly has caused by failing to take action. We certainly won’t forget this moment when they’re up for reelection in 2022."
See more of our PM BlogSpace coverage on the need for a special session here and here.
Read moreProgressive Maryland Weekly Memo for Monday, October 5, 2020
Lots of election info here, see below. And watch for our most recent endorsements, which will be announced all this week. Watch and follow our Facebook & Twitter pages for updates on our candidate endorsements!
Plus statewide alerts, our chapter news and events, allies events and our reent blog posts. Read the Memo!
Read moreProgressive Maryland Weekly Memo for Monday, September 28, 2020
Getting some action out of our General Assembly lawmakers is still on the table; find out how. Meanwhile, the raw deal they have left us to handle on our own requires solidarity and knowledge. You provide the community solidarity, we've got chapter and verse on how to vote, how to stay safe and fight back in pandemic time, where we fit in the national activism scene and more -- all in the Weekly Memo. Read on.