Stafford: A Progressive Earthquake hits Maryland

Progressive Maryland's Executive Director, Larry Stafford, writes: "Last night, a Progressive earthquake shook Maryland’s establishment politics to their core. Ben Jealous’s primary victory puts Maryland within striking distance of the progressive governor we deserve and need. His victory marks the ascendance of a movement that’s grounded in progressive values, led by women and people of color, to shape a new direction for politics that breathes new life into the electoral system, in our state and beyond."

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Protecting your vote against the MVA pothole

Here's your Election Day version of the Weekly Memo -- the second one sent this unusual week. Watch our PM BlogSpace this week for calendar updates once the Primary Day rush is over -- political life will go on after June 26, and you'll need to know about it. Today: Vote, and mind the pothole (see below).


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Making your plan to cast a vote on Tuesday

Readers will see two Memos this week. Today’s is all about elections. On Tuesday about midday you’ll get one that’s more like what you are used to seeing Monday, with calendar items and brief reports.

This one is about Tuesday’s Primary Election.

But you already voted in Early Voting? Awesome. Now you have time to get out the vote for your neighbors -- all over the state.


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We need a State's Attorney for the people

"I support Senator Victor Ramirez," activist Qiana Johnson writes, "because he understands that charges are often based on complex laws—and enforced by long mandatory minimum prison sentences—creating strong incentives for defendants to capitulate to lesser charges, perhaps even to crimes they did not commit."


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How we can transform our communities now

Montgomery County, seen from the outside, may seem an idyllic collection of affluent suburbs and single-family homes: a place where you can live your American Dream. But when you start knocking on doors, you learn there’s a lot more to who we are. My place, my status in this diverse county "qualifies me to understand the real challenges families face, and to find real solutions that meet their needs," Council at-Large candidate Brandy Brooks says.


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Ramirez: positive change in the State's Attorney's office

Victor Ramirez will not only work diligently to decrease the School-to-Prison pipeline within our county, but will also partner with various religious organizations, community groups, nonprofits, law enforcement and government agencies for the benefit of our young people, says educator Janna Parker.


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Ben Jealous -- the governor we need

"What could a governor do if he’s willing to actually build coalitions and fight for our families, healthcare, schools, economy, transportation, and a fair justice system?" A progressive governor -- Ben Jealous -- could accomplish what Maryland’s resilient but underserved people want and deserve, says Anne Arundel activist Michelle Williams.


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Progressive Maryland Weekly Memo for Monday, June 18-25 2018

Early voting is on from now till Thursday (June 21) and the Primary Election is Tuesday, June 26. Our candidate for the Democratic nomination for governor is Ben Jealous, who will appear tonight (Monday, June 18) with Bernie Sanders in Silver Spring (SS Civic Center, doors open 6:30). Why is this election important? Ben says “It's time to dream big again. And when we have leaders in D.C. who can't get the job done, it's time to get it done here at home."

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Progressives to Dems: "We must do more than resist"

Progressives at the "We the People Summit" yesterday (Wed. June 13) challenged the Dems who are claiming to move left to show the walk to go with the talk. We note that the summit showcased the usual Dem suspects and though they were full-throated on the issues, the list of out-front Democratic progressives does not seem to be getting longer.


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Why did the WaPo publish "Why Can't We Hate Men?"

Paradoxically, at the WaPo "the four powerful men in charge have evinced zero interest in either “lean[ing] out, step[ping] aside,” or ceding power to women or to anybody else for that matter," notes Hal Ginsberg. "In fact, libertarian Bezos and neoliberal Hiatt consistently embrace political and economic policies that enhance the power of male-dominated multinational corporations and the military-industrial complex."


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