The (very) high cost of commuting on Lexus Lanes
Good Morning, Frederick: Ready to pay $82 for a fast round trip to work in the Metro area? Larry Hogan's plan to privatize new toll lanes on I-270 figures to cost that, even just based on Virginia's experience today. Better rail is a better idea, transit expert/advocate Ben Ross points out, than Lexus Lanes -- which could cost you $159 for every hour you save in the morning rush.
Read moreProgressive Maryland Weekly Memo for September 4-11
Time to hit the home stretch. According to campaign legend, Labor Day Weekend is when most everyday voters look up from the grill and notice that there's an election in November. Somehow that seems unlikely in this election cycle. The intensity of feeling that has built up over the last two years has raised folks' appreciation for the importance of this midterm election.
There will be lots of expensive media, bankrolled by the 1 percent, trying to persuade everyone that everything is really not bad, that Larry Hogan has done a good job for a Republican (!) and that things are rolling along OK.
It shouldn't be hard to debunk that nonsense -- but it won't happen without work, without the clarity of alternatives to business as usual. That's why we do what we do. Join us.
Read moreOrganizing is the secret sauce for moving from grievance to governance
Regaining democracy's people power -- after the Right's 40-year game plan has brought us today's Trumpster fire -- takes work, but we know how to do it. James Mumm of People's Action walks us through the plan to "move from grievance to governance, and from protest to power." It's a plan that works in large part because it doesn't depend on the 1%'s money but the 99%'s mobilization, starting at the local and state level in the pattern followed by Progressive Maryland and the other state affiliates of People's Action.
Read moreDiscussing Drug Decriminalization from Cannabis to Opioids: An Upcoming Forum
Drug decriminalization in Maryland and across the US has great promise for easing both the huge public cost of mass incarceration and the social and individual impacts that drugs and their consequences have. Veronica Wright outlines her introduction to the issue and how decriminalization -- with other social provision -- has worked well abroad and in other states, and can work in Maryland. She has initiated a forum on the topic Sept. 15 at Montgomery College/Germantown.
Read moreConservative push for school vouchers harms our students
Private school vouchers for Maryland students, a project of Gov. Larry Hogan that Assembly Democrats have (minimally) funded, has severe consequences for student learning, as Mathew Goldstein outlines here. The "facts" presented in classrooms and textbooks by these (mostly religious) private institutions are "alternative facts," to say the least.
Read moreYears of GOP votes brought the Shore no help. Hogan's no different.
The Lower Shore is one of the most impoverished areas of the state, after decades of sending GOP legislators to Annapolis, a Shore progressive writes. Larry Hogan fits that mold.
Read moreProgressive Maryland Weekly Memo for August 20-27 2018
Our local chapters around the state are gearing up for a big progressive push between now and the November general election -- registering new voters and contacting members of our community who may have become jaded about participating in what looked like a rigged game. We can beat the business-as-usual politics that have Maryland locked up and build a progressive state for the middle class and working families, not for the rich. Read on and dig in with us.
Read moreCommission debates accountability for schools policy, improvement -- in shadow of election
The Kirwan Commission on education policy and resources is back in the news, and questions of how to fund good policy equitably across Maryland’s diverse school systems and communities are coming to the fore – just in time to cast light on a do-nothing governor who is actually working to make things worse by draining resources for privatization.
Read moreMedia tell Trump "we are not the enemy." Why do they have to?
Over 350 media outlets this morning (Thursday, August 16) published editorials in a coordinated action to shout out to Trump that "we are not the enemy of the people."
Trump's attack on the media definitely demanded pushback, and collective action by a bunch of large and small (corporate) media is reassuringly solidaristic.
But the question of why people are less likely to believe their media is worth a separate look.
Read moreThe Other InfoWars: Good Reads on voter suppression, white supremacy, QANON etc.
A guide for the perplexed -- the craziness out there needs deciphering, and you can get that from this roundup of Good Reads on Trump's authoritarian test bench, white supremacy old and new and the phenomenon called QAnon.
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