Lots of progressive activism going on this week and into October, with a Medicare for All event in MoCo, vigil for a police killing TOMORROW NIGHT in Prince George's, scary small-cell objects in Anne Arundel, and the fight for school improvement, despite Larry Hogan's outside-money campaign against it, going on statewide with informational events from mountains to the Shore. The Memo keeps you up on things; get it by email.
Progressive Maryland Weekly Memo for Monday October 7 2019
Blogs this week: How we feel about incarceration and… how we feel about the sentence for Botham Jean’s murder; Hogan raises dark money to fight the school improvement funding favored by an overwhelming number of Marylanders. See them below. And last week’s Memo, featuring still more blogs…
Progressive goals and proposals are continually under attack by the people in power – not only the wealthy and corporate business interests in Maryland, but also the corporate Democrats who parrot neoliberal “wisdom” about staying in the middle of the road because that keeps their campaign coffers filled.
You know them when you see them, and so do we.
Their dependence on big money and its big spenders endangers the interests of everyday working families in Maryland – for instance in the corporate and neoliberal pushback on the necessary steps to restore our schools to excellence, move to clean energy and end mass incarceration. To achieve those goals we have to build power with movement politics – winning elections and holding elected officials accountable to the people. Find out where our chapters are, below. Get more information about Progressive Maryland membership, and join us.
Our ideals are broadly and concretely represented by the campaigns we wage. At Progressive Maryland (and with our progressive allies) we work for environmental justice, reform of the criminal justice/policing system and cutting the school-to-prison pipeline, fair elections that loosen the grip of big money on our politics, and reform of the systems that keep our families trapped in poverty in the midst of wealth. We are formulating our part in campaigns for Medicare for All (see the Oct. 20 MoCo town hall, below) and for education reform in the path being laid out by the Kirwan Commission:
 Progressive Montgomery recently kicked off its participation in the Alliance to Reclaim our Schools (AROS), a statewide initiative with county-level focus.
Progressive Prince George’s has been working in parallel with PGC Educators Association on the AROS-PG agenda and the important Kirwan focus on community schools – there are forty-plus schools in Prince George’s that will become Community Schools in the next two school years. Watch for the next public meeting of the AROS-PG coalition and learn more about the Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools at https://reclaimourschoolspg.org
Progressive activism around the Free State, both Progressive Maryland’s action and those of our allied organizations and individuals, are in this Weekly Memo early every week (usually Monday unless a holiday intervenes). It’s a clearinghouse for folks who are building power together; and you can be in that environment of collective action.
You can get the Weekly Memo by email; just sign up here.
 CAMPAIGNS ON THE MOVE <> Medicare For All<>School Improvement<>Bay Bridge(s?)<>Electropollution hazard
>>Sunday, October 20 Medicare For All Town Hall in District 6 - 2 PM – 4 PM Gaithersburg Library, 18330 Montgomery Village Ave, Gaithersburg, MD 20879-3545 Hosted by Maryland Progressive Healthcare Coalition and 14 others Â
The American healthcare system is not working. We pay more for healthcare than any other country yet millions of Americans still don’t have health insurance or are underinsured.
Come learn about Medicare For All, and how the United States can join every other developed country in the world for a healthier citizenry! Speakers include: Â Â Â Â Gabe Acevero, Maryland Delegate District 39; Laura Kaplan-Weisman, MD; labor activist Larry Cohen, chair of Our Revolution; Sanjeev Sriram, MD ("Dr. America"); Richard "RJ" Eskow, host of the Zero Hour; -- and AN OPEN INVITATION FOR Congressman David Trone to discuss the healthcare of his constituents within District 6 !
>>THE PUSH FOR MORE SUPPORT FOR COMMUNITY SCHOOLS is at the heart of the Kirwan Commission proposals to improve Maryland’s schools. A new poll shows that about three out of four Marylanders want more money spent on public schools but have low information on what’s being proposed. Here is the excellent recent summary from the Maryland Reporter’s state roundup; it has links to full coverage in several outlets: Luke Broadwater of the Sun reports that in the survey conducted Sept. 13-18, 74% of Marylanders said they support personally paying more in taxes to improve public education, while only 26% were opposed. But only about 22% of those polled said they were aware of the work of the Kirwan Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education, which has rolled out a decade-long reform plan that could cost about $3.8 billion more each year once fully implemented, Danielle Gaines reports for Maryland Matters.
Progressive Maryland activists and your communities can find out more about the Kirwan proposals: The “Blueprint for Maryland’s Future” coalition, including Progressive Maryland and teachers’ organizations statewide, has set 23 information sessions from the mountains to the Shore – the next one is tonight in Waldorf; next Tuesday in Garrett County -- see them all here.
>>CROSSING THE BAY --There’s one more Open House in October to discuss preliminary alternatives as part of the Chesapeake Bay Crossing: the next one is Wednesday. Gov. Larry Hogan, however, has already said which one is going to happen, as far as he is concerned. Citizens who want to see something other than more cars, cars, cars – maybe some mass transit alternatives – could have something to say for the record when, as is probably inevitable, the Hogan administration is sued for riding roughshod over the deliberative process. And opponents, including both local business interests and the state environmental community (Same Page City!) are lining up.
MDTA has scheduled this final Open House for public review and comment: Wednesday, October 9, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. – Kent Island High School, 900 Love Point Road, Stevensville, Md.
Two bills up for consideration on Monday, Oct. 21 at Anne Arundel County Council -- Bill 75-19 and 76-19 -- are being opposed by members of Take Action Anne Arundel County.
These bills will ease regulations on “small cell” transmitters of 5G signals for mobile phones and other devices so telecom industry interests can scatter them throughout the county with weak-to-absent oversight or official control, especially on community health effects of their placement.
Take Action AAC activists ask you read the Environmental Health Trust’s fact sheet on 5G and “small cell” installations and health effects and call or email AA Council members ahead of the October 21 Council meeting to object to these industry-friendly bills. As Registered Nurse Randye Williams of Take Action AAC argues, “We're already exposed to enough harmful wireless signals … At least you can turn [your home] wireless devices off at night. But these 5G small cells will be on 24/7, 365 days a year irradiating you in your home.”
Tuesday, October 8,  Candlelight vigil for Leonard Shand, 7 PM at Corner of Belcrest and Toledo Roads, Hyattsville, Md. (Kaiser Permanente across the street from the Mall at Prince George’s) to show support for the Shand family and demand an independent investigation into Leonard Shand's tragic death at the hands of police.
Last week Hyattsville city officials met with the community to discuss the incident.
Thursday, Oct. 10 Community Forum on full funding for schools, 6:30 PM at Laurel High School, 8000 Cherry Lane, Laurel 20707. Sponsored by PGCEA and AROS-PG. We hope to see you at Laurel High School this Thursday evening, October 10, or any of three others in Prince George’s in the next two months. See all the informational sessions around the state. You can learn more and register to attend at marylandblueprint.org. “
Saturday, Oct. 19 PROGRESSIVE PRINCE GEORGE’S CHAPTER MEETING, 11 AM--1 PM. At the Clout Workspace, 9221 Hampton Overlook, Capitol Heights, MD 20743. We’ll talk endorsements, criminal justice reform and education funding as ongoing campaigns.
Tuesday, Oct. 15 2019 Debate Watch PARTY – 8 PM, Trinity Grill & Bar, 3010 Hamilton Street Hyattsville, MD 20782 -- Hosted By PGCYD, PGCDCC & Progressive Maryland
PMD Montgomery -- Progressive Montgomery Upcoming Events
A list of power-building events with Progressive Maryland in Montgomery County. Find one that works for you and join us!
Sunday, October 20 Medicare For All Town Hall in District 6 - 2 PM – 4 PM
Gaithersburg Library, 18330 Montgomery Village Ave, Gaithersburg, MD 20879-3545
Hosted by Maryland Progressive Healthcare Coalition and 14 others -- More below in our Allies calendar.
Take Action Anne Arundel County
Lower Shore Progressive Caucus
 Tuesday, October 8,  Candlelight vigil for Leonard Shand, 7 PM at Corner of Belcrest and Toledo Roads, Hyattsville, Md. (Kaiser Permanente across the street from the Mall at Prince George’s) to show support for the Shand family and demand an independent investigation into Leonard Shand's tragic death at the hands of police. Last week Hyattsville city officials met with the community to discuss the incident.
Wed, Oct 9 Greenbelt Climate Action Network "Talk with Intent: Use your words to change your world", 7-9 pm Greenbelt Community Center, Room 114
15 Crescent Rd, Greenbelt, MD 20770Â Zach Perkins will lead a workshop about activating emotions, persuasive arguments, and how to apply these skills in the climate action arena.
THUR October 10 AROS Forum On New Funding Formula For Prince George’s Public Schools at LAUREL HIGH SCHOOL, 8000 Cherry Lane Laurel 20707 at 6:30 PM Parents, students  and engaged community members are invited to hear about the Kirwan commission proposals and possibilities of well-funded schools — and make their voices heard. Sponsored by the Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools. ALSO WED October 23 at Bowie Performing Arts Center, 15200 Annapolis Rd. Bowie 20715, 6:30 PM: WED November 12 at Prince George’s Community College, 301 Largo Rd. Largo 20774, 6:30 PM and MON November 18 at OXON HILL HIGH SCHOOL 6701 Leyte Drive Oxon Hill 20745 6:30 PM. Follow link for details.
Saturday October 12 Conference on Trauma-Informed Care for Refugee and Immigrant Populations: Addressing the Needs of Youth, Families and Communities. 8 AM to 1 PM at Northwestern High School, 7000 Adelphi Rd. in Hyattsville, MD. Work with  trauma experts including Dr. Margarita Alegria, disparities research unit chief, from Harvard Medical School. To register, please click on the link in the flyer. RSVP at https://forms.gle/wpA8twcZ5BAvw4QH7
Tuesday, Oct. 15 -- Debate Watch PARTY – 8 PM, Trinity Grill & Bar, 3010 Hamilton Street Hyattsville, MD 20782 -- Hosted By PGCYD, PGCDCC & Progressive Maryland
Wednesday, October 16 -- Maryland State Legislative overview for Prince George’s Dist. 47 residents, 9 AM – 2 PM with state Sen. Malcolm Augustine -- information and guidelines on the legislative process from the Department of Legislative Services, a tour of the State House and a light lunch. Recommended arrive 8:45 at Joint Hearing Room, Legislative Service Building, 90 State Circle (College Avenue entrance), Annapolis. RSVP. For questions, please email [email protected] or call 301-858-3745.
 Sunday, October 20 Medicare For All Town Hall in District 6 - 2 PM – 4 PM Gaithersburg Library, 18330 Montgomery Village Ave, Gaithersburg, MD 20879-3545. Hosted by Maryland Progressive Healthcare Coalition and 14 others
The American healthcare system is not working. We pay more for healthcare than any other country yet millions of Americans still don’t have health insurance or are underinsured.
Come learn about Medicare For All, and how the United States can join every other developed country in the world for a healthier citizenry! Speakers include:     Gabe Acevero, Maryland Delegate District 39; Laura Kaplan-Weisman, MD; labor activist Larry Cohen, chair of Our Revolution; Sanjeev Sriram, MD ("Dr. America"); Richard "RJ" Eskow, host of the Zero Hour; -- and AN OPEN INVITATION FOR Congressman David Trone to discuss the healthcare of his constituents within District 6 !
Sunday, October 20    Discussion of “The War on Science” with Tim Whitehead.  2:30-4:00 PM at Greenbelt Community Church, 1 Hillside Road, Greenbelt, Maryland. 20770. Tim Whitehead is executive director of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER). Sponsored by Maryland United for Peace and Justice.
Baltimore progressives, Check in on Max Obuszewski’s highly useful activist calendar and tip sheet at http://baltimorenonviolencecenter.blogspot.com/
Reading the Progressive Maryland BlogSpace: our blogs for the previous week are shown below, but if you want a handy way to keep track – and never miss a blog post – you can sign up to get this Weekly Memo by email. Remember this is your blogspace and your participation is heartily invited. See something going on that you don’t like – or that you do like and hope to see more of? Send us your thoughts; submit to the moderator at [email protected]
We recently published these blog posts:
October 04, 2019 Why justice for Botham Jean is impossible
Progressive Maryland Executive Director Larry Stafford, who's been leading our longtime advocacy for decarceration and mass liberation in Maryland, thinks through the question of justice in the Botham Jean murder conviction and sentencing of Amber Guyger. Prince George's is struggling with the police killing of a black man in Hyattsville within the last week, the latest of sixteen police killings in the state this year.
October 02, 2019 Underfunding our schools is undermining our future
Gov. Larry Hogan’s move to raise “dark money” to fight school improvement confirms he is appealing to the national GOP electorate and its drive to privatize all things public, starting with the public schools. It fits into his annual attempt to divert more state budget money to vouchers for private schools and de-fund not only public schools but privatize transportation for corporate gain. Two frontline education leaders make clear, in this Maryland Matters opinion, that Hogan’s underhanded efforts to raise his national profile run counter to the state constitution’s requirement for adequate school funding.
September 30, 2019 Progressive Maryland Weekly Memo for Monday, Sept. 30, 2019
Blogs this week: See articles on food deserts, concerns about a good census in Maryland, the struggle for education improvement and introducing our lead organizer in Baltimore. See below. Plus crossing the Bay, a Spanish-language workshop on school improvement, and cell transmitter health worries in Anne Arundel.
>>REMEMBER – these blog posts are frequently expressions of political opinion from our wide-ranging membership and circle of allies. They are not expressions of opinion by Progressive Maryland. Don’t be surprised if they sometimes vary in their political content. You might even disagree with them – a good reason to contribute a blog of your own. Send it to the moderator, Woody Woodruff, at [email protected].
>>Keeping up with the blogs is easier with the index. The blogs published in the PM BlogSpace from June 2015 through December 2016 are all available with descriptions and links here. You can follow blogs for 2017-18 starting from here
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