Flying high with the Fourth Estate: Progressive Maryland made the news this week

Progressive Maryland made news and made the news this week and last. A roundup from Larry Stafford, our executive director, of links to news coverage of our activities and causes.

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Progressive Maryland testifies in support of Trust Act.

Prince George’s County lead organizer Jennifer Dwyer delivered Progressive Maryland’s testimony Feb. 28 to the House Judiciary Committee on behalf of a bill protecting vulnerable immigrant populations in Maryland from “unethical, racist and legally questionable” practices of the Trump administration, insulating local governments from complying with federal demands.

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Earned Income Tax Credit changes at state level will help struggling families

Complementary interplay between the federal and Maryland elements of the Earned Income Tax Credit can help struggling low-income families. More could be helped by adjusting the Maryland EITC, but after failing to pass an expanded version last year, lawmakers hope to settle a disagreement between the Senate and House approaches that torpedoed the effort.

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Progressive Maryland Weekly Memo for Feb. 27- March 4

Welcome to the Weekly Memo for Feb. 27-March 4. Lots of hearings in Annapolis this week and more next week; the crunch time is approaching as the legislature hits the halfway point on the way to sine die. Plus local organizing opportunities and links to the past week's blog posts. One-stop shopping for progressives.

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Progressive Maryland Leads as Marylanders Launch Effort Calling for Hogan Town Hall

After a bold action at this Wednesday's Board of Public Works meeting, Marylanders continue to insist that Gov. Larry Hogan address the threats to the state from his GOP colleague Donald Trump -- an issue on which Hogan has been conspicuously silent so far. Here is Progressive Maryland's news release:

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Big Business balks at proposed change to make filing fees progressive

A House bill that would put the state’s annual corporate filing fee on a sliding scale would hit mega-businesses harder than small businesses.Gee, that sounds fair...

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MoCo parents, officials eye new fed education policy nervously

"Anxiety over the harm that Donald Trump and his public school scorning Education Secretary Betsy DeVos might do to Montgomery County’s vaunted education system was palpable" at a recent public meeting on MCPS's future, Hal Ginsberg reports.

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Progressive Maryland Weekly Memo for Feb. 20-26

Connect with your Governor: take a look at our letter (you can add your signature) demanding that the Governor stop pretending his fellow Republican, Pres. Donald Trump, isn't demolishing democratic governance with every tweet. Plus events for the week and our most recent blog posts.

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Progressive activists urge Assembly to hold down prescription drug prices

Progressive Maryland activists and allies submitted testimony to a Maryland Senate committee this week urging passage of bills that aim to hold down rapidly rising prescription drug prices.

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UMCP student employees seek collective bargaining rights

Student employees of the University of Maryland in College Park are exempted from the Prince George's County minimum wage requirement of $10.75 an hour, and the state minimum wage level costs them $2 an hour on their paychecks. They want the right to bargain for higher wages, as this Diamondback student newspaper article details.

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