Maryland lawmakers took an important step to help working families statewide get a higher minimum wage by passing a $15 minimum wage bill.
The measure raises wages for hundreds of thousands of workers across our state and helps create economic justice for Marylanders. Your advocacy and support helped us reach this milestone.
But our work isn't done.
Governor Larry Hogan has just vetoed the bill. Thankfully, our advocacy ensured the bill passed with enough votes to override Hogan's veto.
Sign here to urge your legislators to continue their support of Maryland's working families and make the $15 minimum wage a reality.
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Governor Larry Hogan has vetoed the $15 minimum wage, so we need you to stand up and reject it by voting to override it.
Maryland working families have waited too long for a wage that helps all of us take care of our basic needs. We need a $15 minimum wage and its time is NOW.