When July 07, 2017 at 7:00pm 1 hr 30 mins
Where Conference Call Silver Spring, MD, United States
Contact Beth Landry [email protected] 443 366 9402

With Progressive Maryland's launch of their Maryland for Guaranteed Healthcare Campaign, we are going to be reaching out to anyone and everyone around the state for healthcare! We want to spread the word on how important being able to receive healthcare is, and hear what people have to say on why healthcare is important to them.

Sign up for our conference call to talk about being a Maryland for Guaranteed Healthcare Volunteer Coordinator.

We are going to have an organizing call for volunteer coordinators this coming Friday, July 7th from 7-8:30pm.

Please make every effort to make it onto this call. 

Call information is as follows:

Dial-in number: 202 602 1295 
Call code: 826-231-536

Here are some talking points regarding the upcoming Senate bill to use as a reference when canvassing or whoever you happen to talk to. 

We also have a Maryland for Guaranteed Healthcare sign-up sheet as well as a document to have people share their personal healthcare story.

We also want to give you a leaflet to hand out that specifically talks about veterans being affected by the bill.

Progressive Maryland believes in the well-being, health and quality of life for every Maryland resident. Rich or poor, young or old, employed or unemployed. We believe that healthcare is a human right, and that giving tax breaks to the rich while everyone else suffers is disastrous for us all.



Follow us on Facebook, as well as on Twitter @Progressive_MD and @MD4guaranteedHC!
Sign up to volunteer HERE!
Like the work we’re doing? Help us fight for you by making a donation TODAY! 
Will you come?