When September 27, 2016 at 9:00am 1 day 8 hrs
Where Your Home or Workplace
Contact Justin Vest [email protected]

Last spring a bill was introduced in Montgomery County to raise the minimum wage to $15/hr by 2020. The Health and Human Services (HHS) Committee is currently considering the bill but two councilmembers, Roger Berliner and Craig Rice, have indicated opposition.

We are calling these Councilmembers to let them know we want a $15 minimum wage by 2020 with NO exceptions and NO exemptions, and we want them to pass the bill out of committee.

Please call Council Vice President Berliner on September 27 and Councilmember Rice on September 28! The calls take 1-2 minutes each (really, we promise, that is not an exaggeration!), and it will make a big impact.

Please sign up for a time slot to call Councilmember Berliner on September 27 and Councilmember Rice on September 28. You will sign up for two shifts (one for each day) and call at the same time each of the two days. 

Please provide a cell phone number so you can receive a text reminder along with a script.


On Tuesday, September 27, call Council Vice President Roger Berliner (District 1) at 240-777-7828;

On Wednesday, September 28, call Councilmember Craig Rice (District 3) at 240-777-7955

Will you come?
Choose shifts
Tue, Sep 27:
Wed, Sep 28: