Ji'Aire Donnell Lee was born on August 22, 2011 to his Mother Romechia Marie Simms and his Father James Donnell Lee. Ji'Aire was my grandson and the love of my life. Ji'Aire was special from the start because he shook the entire state of Md. upon his arrival( Maryland's Earthquake of 2011). Ji'Aire was loved and adored by his family. Ji'Aire loved his family more than anything he loved to play sports, watch his favorite show and eat. In 2015 my daughter Romechia Simms experience of Mental Health Crisis, as her Mother I reached out to every agency and or resource that was available to my family. After many closed doors and failed attempts of getting assistance with my Crisis Romechia and Ji'Aire went to the park just like many days before unfortunately and tragically Ji'Aire never returned. Ji'Aire and his mother had been at Will's Memorial Park for nearly two days. Ji'Aire died from Hypothermia and Dehydration.

Ji'Aire's death continues to devastate my family even more considering the fact that my nephew Micheal Simms died 10 months after Ji'Aire both do to the lack of adequate Mental Health Treatment Resources and Laws. Ji'Aire's Workgroup was suggested by The Committee in Maryland General Assembly. A workgroup is to be formed in order to assess and re-evaluate existing laws and what changes need to be made in order to prevent another death such as Ji'Aire. It continues to remain my Mission and Purposes to make sure the necessary changes are made and followed thru. I hope everyone will join me in that mission.

Ji'Aire's Law is a law going before the Maryland General Assembly/Maryland State Legislature that  would allow a parent, family member, or someone court-appointed to petition the court and be given the authority and legal rights to perform a guardianship role over the care and wellbeing of a Mentally ill person or persons who're suffering from a Mental Health Crisis. That mentally ill person, while in crisis must seek immediate treatment thru the Mental Health Professionals while allowing them to maintain custody of their minor child and or children. That mentally ill person much continue to seek treatment and be deemed stable through the Mentally Health Court System in conjunction with other stakeholders, ie. Core Services and Behavioral Health, SMCN, DSS, Freedom Landing, Pathways, DORS, Safe Journey House, and others.Â