In Montgomery County, Restaurant Week is supposed to promote the good eats you can get in the county? But who benefits from the crowds flocking to the table? Not the servers and other restaurant workers, whose tipped wage is $4 an hour. Learn how to change this.

Progressive Maryland Weekly Memo for August 8-14

Action this week is in Montgomery County.

Restaurant Week in Montgomery – But Who Benefits?

Tipped workers deserve a raise! Educate your neighbors about it this Sunday, Aug. 14 at 11 a.m.

In Montgomery County, the minimum wage for tipped workers is only $4/hour. Depending on the goodwill of customers is no way to make a living. Help us educate the public on the need to eliminate the tipped minimum wage during Montgomery County Restaurant Week.

We will be canvassing in Bethesda and in Silver Spring to educate the public on the need to raise wages for tipped workers during Restaurant Week. In Bethesda, we will meet at Giant Foods for a brief overview of the campaign and training before walking to the area of Bethesda Row to canvass. In Silver Spring we will meet at Veterans Plaza for a brief overview of the campaign and training before canvassing in downtown Silver Spring.

Learn more on the links above. Please sign up for each shift you are able to attend.

 READING THE PM BLOGS – readers and fans of the PM BlogSpace can get a copy of the Weekly Memo delivered directly to their email inbox. It includes an update on the week ahead as well as links to the blogs that have appeared in the past week. Never miss a blog post. Sign up at

  FOR EXAMPLE: we recently published these:

August 8, 2016: : We’re addicted to unnecessary water waste: We like it sunny, not rainy -- but we need that rain, and we need to use it to replenish our supplies, not pollute it and send it down the river. Liza Field, a guest blogger, makes the case for personal and public water consciousness

Aug 05, 2016 An index of Maryland-related issues in the PM BlogSpace June 2015 to the present: Here's a specific index of the blog posts related to Maryland state issues we have published since beginning this BlogSpace in June 2015.

August 3, 2016 A plea to progressives to beat Trump by backing Clinton: Hal Ginsberg argues that despite the temptations of third-party candidates and their more progressive stances, beating Trump and retaining a moderately progressive national administration can only be accomplished by a Clinton-Kaine victory.

July 29, 2016 The Info File: index to Progressive Maryland blog posts since June 2015: An index with links and quick summaries of all the blog post that appeared here since June 2015. Your summer catch-up-on-issues toolkit.

Keeping up with the blogs is easier with the index. The blogs published in the PM BlogSpace since June 2015 are all available with descriptions and links here.

 AND REMEMBER THIS BLOGSPACE IS FOR THE PROGRESSIVE VOICES OF MARYLAND. Want to include your voice? Send a submission, or questions, to the moderator at [email protected]

woody woodruff


M.A. and Ph.d. from University of Maryland Merrill College of Journalism, would-be radical, sci-fi fan... retired to a life of keyboard radicalism...