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Dear Senator Cardin,
The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC) are pro-work benefits that help struggling working families make ends meet. More than 425,000 working families benefited from the EITC and 324,000 received the low-income portion of the CTC this year. Key provisions of the EITC and CTC will expire in 2017 if Congress doesn’t act, pushing 114,000 children, and 243,000 Marylanders overall, into poverty. Please act now to stop the cuts to this essential component of the social safety net. Working families deserve to know that the financial buoy they have come to rely on will continue to be there in the future.

Sandy Bell signed Stop the Cuts and Save the EITC
2015-10-30 17:27:42 -0400

William Dusold signed Stop the Cuts and Save the EITC
2015-10-28 21:15:24 -0400

Kathleen Bentley signed Stop the Cuts and Save the EITC
2015-10-28 10:45:15 -0400

Ruth Rondberg signed Stop the Cuts and Save the EITC
2015-10-28 10:38:00 -0400
Monica Greene signed Stop the Cuts and Save the EITC
2015-10-28 09:44:30 -0400

Derek Johnson signed Stop the Cuts and Save the EITC
2015-10-28 07:35:39 -0400
Benjamin Allen signed Stop the Cuts and Save the EITC
2015-10-28 06:35:33 -0400

Ellis Woodward signed Stop the Cuts and Save the EITC
2015-10-27 23:03:45 -0400

Cindy Farquhar signed Stop the Cuts and Save the EITC
2015-10-27 22:09:32 -0400
I have never got this tax credit. But, I am smart enough to understand that people with children have a lot more expenses than people without children. And that creates an opportunity for tax credits such as these. These are reasonable ways to equalize the burden of taxes and should be continued. Thank you for your consideration.

Sarah K Harper signed Stop the Cuts and Save the EITC
2015-10-27 21:45:16 -0400

Tony Langbehn signed Stop the Cuts and Save the EITC
2015-10-27 20:08:03 -0400

Suzanne Sutton signed Stop the Cuts and Save the EITC
2015-10-27 20:06:55 -0400

Tom Gagliardo signed Stop the Cuts and Save the EITC
2015-10-27 16:58:00 -0400

maya gorina signed Stop the Cuts and Save the EITC
2015-10-27 16:31:47 -0400

Bert Katz signed Stop the Cuts and Save the EITC
2015-10-27 16:13:46 -0400