GOV. LARRY HOGAN HAS VETOED THE $15 MINIMUM WAGE BILL that was passed last week by the Maryland General Assembly. Maryland’s hard-working families need this bill. Contact your legislators before the vote to override, which will probably be tomorrow. Let them know that this hard-fought
bill deserves passage this year.
And sign our petition to make sure the public as well as legislators understand the importance of this new timetable for making sure the state minimum wage keeps up with the cost of leaving – instead of leaving the state’s working people behind, as the governor’s veto would do.
GOV. LARRY HOGAN HAS VETOED THE $15 MINIMUM WAGE BILL that was passed last week by the Maryland General Assembly. Maryland’s hard-working families need this bill. Contact your legislators before the vote to override, which will probably be tomorrow. Let them know that this hard-fought bill deserves passage this year.
And sign our petition to make sure the public as well as legislators understand the importance of this new timetable for making sure the state minimum wage keeps up with the cost of leaving – instead of leaving the state’s working people behind, as the governor’s veto would do.
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