Nearly 2.3 million Marylanders have voted in early voting or by mail. If you or someone you know were not among them, today is the day to put a bow on it. Safely. Aware of scams.
Even if you are not registered you can make your voice heard today by casting a ballot. See how, and more, below. Updated with scam warnings.
Nearly 2.3 million Marylanders have voted in early voting or by mail. If you or someone you know were not among them, today is the day to put a bow on it.
Even if you are not registered you can make your voice heard today by casting a ballot. See how, and more, below.
Still have a mail-in ballot you filled out haven't sent? Put it in a drop box today.
We have chapter and verse on how to vote ON ELECTION DAY in yesterday's Weekly Memo
See the list of Progressive Maryland's candidate endorsements on our website here.
Don't get upended by rumors. Here is a roundup of falsehoods in topline circulation. Note in yesterday's Memo that Maryland's Attorney General is warniing of a phone scam that tries to get your Social Security number. Don't fall for it. And be aware, too, that a nationwide flurry of suspicious robocalls tries to get you to "wait till tomorrow to avoid long lines." Long lines will be what they will be. But today is Election Day, and tomorrow is too late.
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