Happy Labor Day! Maryland's protections for public employees are weak

union_struggle_cropped.jpgHappy Labor Day! Maryland ranks with Kansas (Kansas!) in the strength of our labor protections for public employees, a roundup by the Economic Policy Institute shows. A little better than a right-to-work state like Virginia, but that is not a high bar.


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We need a special session, and you need to make your move to vote

state_house_image_wikimedia_commons.jpgMessage One: Where are our legislators when we really, really need them?

Message Two: Don’t let all this official incompetence get between you and your vote – make your move, and vote in time to be counted.

Read on.


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Progressive Maryland Weekly Memo for Monday, August 31, 2020

ballot_box.jpgCan voting be even more important this week than it was last week? Yep. Check out our how-to on mail-in voting, for which YOU control the timeline as long as you act in good time. Also: the General Assembly needs to get back to work because the ball is being dropped by the governor on so, so many fronts. One of those is on our schools, which are getting underway even as the Governor and state school superintendent muddle the message. Info on evictions and how to contest them. Short answer: make your court date. And still more, in the Weekly Memo.


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Hogan personnel practices have odor of grift as delegates dig deep

us_money_larger.jpgThe knives come out, more than a little, as a House of Delegates committee explores the latest Hogan personnel scandal and the long memories of Maryland Matters founder Josh Kurtz and others are tapped. Is this the precursor of a full-bore inquiry into not just misbehavior but wrongdoing, as personnel and big money bounce around pinball-style in Hoganland? The hearing yesterday, Kurtz says, “can only be described as one of the political low points of [Hogan’s] 5-1/2-year tenure.”


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O.C. spending big to lobby against wind project popular with public

ecoblast_cropped.jpgEastern Shore progressive activist Jared Schablein salutes the Maryland PSC move to approve turbine specs and placement for offshore wind development well over the horizon near Ocean City. He also laments the increasing and very expensive lobbying effort to stop the project by Ocean City’s oligarchs and their partners in government (a quarter-million bucks to Bereano over four years?). As we see in the gratuitous notes below Schablein’s opinion article in Maryland Matters, the race between Maryland and Virginia to be slowest in achieving offshore wind reality is still neck and neck.

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Progressive Maryland Weekly Memo for Monday, August 24, 2020

coronavirus_image2.jpgAs Maryland struggles with the effects of COVID-19 and state officials' responses  -- some better than others -- issues of national and state relief packages and promises, flattening the infection curve, education practices as schools open, getting a good census count for the future and making sure our voters make a plan to vote and get theirs counted are on our minds. Find issue analysis and resources in the Progressive Maryland Weekly Memo, along with our events calendar and blog posts.


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Rallies around Maryland to support Postal Service set for tomorrow

ballot_box.jpgActivists around Maryland are planning events Saturday (Aug. 22) in support of the embattled US Postal Service and its key role in mail-in voting as the pandemic makes in-person voting risky for some. Find where they are here.

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Wednesday Wrap -- Postal reversal, Bay decline, other scandals

hogan_in_shades.jpgAs the week rolls on it's easy to miss some of the juiciest outrages affecting Maryland -- the USPS slowdown and its aftermath doesn't give Congress DeJoy; bye bye to a Hogan staff chief who cashed in too visibly (Larry is more careful); Hogan's "rain tax" gambit besmirches his stewardship of the Bay, and more. Should we be ashamed of always looking at the downside? Well, maybe -- but we aren't.


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Progressive Maryland Weekly Memo for Monday, August 17, 2020

CampaignMiscImage_1594309709.6756.pngIn the Memo this week -- the need for a special session of the General Assembly gains traction; fighting for the right of the mail to go through in an election year, how to ensure your vote in Maryland; events from our allies around Maryland and of course our recent blog posts, curated for you.


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Major Step Towards Special Session! Maryland AG Lays Pathway for Conducting Session During Pandemic.

Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh, Baltimore Mayor Jack Young, Senate President Bill Ferguson and Sen. Will Smith speak in support of ending the practice of suspending driver’s licenses. (WTOP/Kate Ryan)

(Photo Credit: Kate Ryan WTOP)

In a major victory for organizations demanding solutions from the Maryland General Assembly to address the looming eviction crisis on Friday August 14th, a letter from the Maryland Attorney General lays out a pathway for the General Assembly to reconvene.

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