Progressive Maryland Weekly Memo for Monday, April 2 to Monday, April 9
The PROGRESSIVE MARYLAND WEEKLY MEMO FOR APRIL 2-9 with canvassing, movement politics, statewide chapter action, allies calendar, links to this week's blog posts and more. This is the full version; the emailed Weekly Memo is trim and easy to scan with links to full accounts. BTW you can sign up for that here.
Read moreBernie's spotty endorsement record: bypassing economic justice champs
Sen. Bernie Sanders has a spotty endorsement record, with clear instances where he has overlooked solid pro-union, economic justice candidates like Conor Lamb in Pennsylvania but picked a number of people who checked all the progressive boxes but didn't get across the finish line.
Successful candidates, Hal Ginsberg argues, will champion unions and job protection, and forswear corporate contributions.
Read moreCan public-private partnerships really handle stormwater runoff?
MoCo executive Ike Leggett proposes to have stormwater runoff managed through public-private partnerships. Do these have the juice to make the Bay cleaner?
Read moreMarching for our lives -- and our communities
Anne Arundel activist Claire Miller observes "As a very smart 12-year-old said to a journalist recently, on my own I may not be able to change anything but with all of these people, we can definitely make change happen." Solidarity is changing the political terrain, significantly.
Read moreToday! -- tell the MD Assembly to dump a bad criminal justice bill
Progressive Maryland and many other progressive organizations are strongly opposed to SB122, a bill being heard in committee TODAY, March 27. SB122 gives prosecutors excessive tools to lock up defendants and increases prison time in a racially biased way, including the creation of mandatory minimum sentences focused on the kind of drug offenses that are disproportionately charged against minorities. Defendants under SB122 would have far fewer rights in their defense. There are no protections against police misconduct.
You can fight back against this unjust proposal. Sign our petition at and follow it by sharing on social media. On Twitter, use HashTag  #MDAgainstSB122.
Read moreProgressive Maryland Weekly Memo for March 26-April 2, 2018
This is the full version of the Progressive Maryland Weekly Memo for March 26-April 2. The emailed memo is shorter but links to this one.
Read moreHow winning in a deep-Red PA House district may point to change -- or not
In this election cycle, Conor Lamb, Doug Jones, and others have demonstrated that Democrats can win in deep-red districts if they campaign as Sanders-style economic populists, Hal Ginsberg writes. Assuming Democratic candidates in the mid-terms follow this script, the Democrats could take control of the House in November. Even the Senate may not be out of reach although most of the contested seats this year are occupied by Democrats.
Read moreProgressive Maryland continues endorsements of state candidates
Progressive Maryland is evaluating candidates for federal, statewide and local government offices and making endorsements based on progressive, pro-people principles and records of progressive public activism and achievement, in office or as private citizens. With our two latest endorsements we have announced our backing for about fifty candidates for offices ranging from the US Congress to local county governments.
Read moreUE: the US needs industrial policy, not bogus tariffs
We don’t hear much use of the term “industrial policy” in current political crosstalk. It’s a worthy program – a conscious orientation of government activism creating viable, sustainable work and healthier communities by creating positive public or public-private enterprises (often worker controlled). Here, the United Electrical Workers (UE) pushes back against the false promise of Trump tariffs to protect US jobs, and instead in favor of a planned program “based on international cooperation, respect for workers’ rights, and environmental sustainability — one that raises living standards for workers across industries and across borders through investment in infrastructure, jobs and social programs.”
Read moreProgressive Maryland Weekly Memo for March 19-26 2018
Did you know there are fewer than 100 days until the Maryland Primary elections, taking place on June 26th?
So far this year, Progressive Maryland has had over 100 member leaders and volunteers knock on 4,000 doors at 14 different locations across the state!Â
Will you door knock with us on March 24th or 31st for our #FromProtestToPower canvasses?
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