PM Weekly Update: a week for outreach in your community
At Progressive Maryland, we've been exploring ways to not only resist, but to break through the partisan silos that often divide everyday working people. We've spent the summer talking to residents across the state and are finding people are concerned about many of the same things. Join us this coming weekend for a statewide outreach effort -- in your community.
Read moreStruggle continues on Bladensburg concrete batching plant
Concerned -- and organized -- residents in Prince George's County towns on or near the Anacostia River are questioning the value of a proposed concrete batching plant, citing likely danger to air, water and public health in the revitalizing Port Towns area.
Statement of Beth Landry, Healthcare Organizer for Progressive Maryland, on this afternoon's Senate vote passing a motion to proceed on healthcare debate.
Read moreHealthcare victory won't be complete without healthcare for all -- in the law
Activists like Progressive Maryland and our allies have stopped "repeal and replace" -- now the goal is to see health care as a human right become the law of the land. Gov. Larry Hogan made lukewarm comments -- finally -- about a solution to the mess his GOP fellows have made, but we need to keep pressure on him and Rep. Andy Harris to do the right thing. Hear what is needed from folks who need it in Salisbury tonight (see Town Hall meeting announcement below).
Read moreWealthy Howard County has serious human problems in the midst of affluence
Howard County should apply its notable wealth and potential for citizen engagement to some glaring problems. "I think that there are a number of challenges that face the county, including lack of affordable housing, a noticeable homeless population, and a lower than desirable level of citizen engagement," says Progressive HoCo activist Dave Bazell. What to do? Organize for change.
Read moreProgressive Maryland Weekly Memo for July 17-23
There are two events tonight (Monday, July 17), see Progressive Prince George's and Take Action AA below. And the long game on health care, which nevertheless means the pressure has to stay on even when the Senate plan experienced a hiccup... Also Note a health care correction to the emailed Memo; Tuesday's "People's Filibuster" has been canceled/postponed...
Read moreHogan is still dodging his constituents on the health care disaster
A train wreck of a health care bill in Congress threatens to cost Marylanders huge cutbacks in their coverage and, just incidentally, cost the state government a cool $2 billion, is getting no attention from Gov. Hogan, who acts as if there's nothing to see here and invites us to keep moving. But he's dodging the responsibility he is supposed to exercise.
Read moreTrumpcare is Hogan's worst nightmare and it's lingering into August
Seasoned Maryland political commentator Barry Rascovar in "Repealing Obamacare is Hogan’s conundrum" almost makes us feel sorry for Larry Hogan. Almost. Sure, being Republican is the family business for Hogan – but it was his choice to go all in, and now the GOP barbarism over healthcare in the US Congress could mean chaos as he approaches a reelection campaign in 2018. Now Mitch McConnell stretches the Senate's agony into August to avoid his healthcare bill's implosion, and “The price to Maryland state government of an Obamacare repeal is in the billions.” Not what Hogan wants to run on, not even….
Read moreArrest powers are not appropriate for nonviolent school behavior -- let's end them
School security and law enforcement officers should not arrest students for nonviolent behavioral issues in our schools. But they have the authority, and frequently abuse it. Amity Pope, who urged the National Education Association convention to take action on this issue, says we should begin to remedy this locally as well.
Read moreProgressive Maryland Weekly Memo for July 10-16
Welcome to a week full of activity -- canvassing and health care advocacy, among other things -- with our growing network of county and local chapters. Plus links to our most recent blog posts.
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