PM BlogSpace Monday Memo: Planning Board hearing on Walmart and other matters

The week ahead for Progressive Marylanders includes the Prince George's County Planning Board hearing on the community-wasting Capital Plaza Walmart expansion, plus Verizon strike support and the past week's blog posts in review.

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Prince George's (and Hyattsville) show urbanist progress

The newer development in the Hyattsville-College Park corridor shows how urbanism can be done right, argues a guest blogger from the Hyattsville Wire blog site. Ryan Teague Beckwith says evidence on the ground shows how Prince George's County's urbanist future has promise.

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PM BlogSpace Review: Our blog posts since mid-February, indexed and linked

Here is a list of the posts -- covering Progressive Maryland's priorities, the Assembly session and the Primary election -- that appeared in the PM BlogSpace since our last index was published in mid-February. You can find summaries and links in this file.

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Monday Memo: Vote! Progressive Maryland's get-out-the-vote efforts

With the primary election tomorrow, April 26, Progressive Maryland and allies are pulling out all the stops to get voter turnout. Activists can help, and striking CWA workers are helping now.

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Trump talk: E. Shore students rally against hate speech in their school

Hatemonger Donald Trump's visit to Worcester County on the Eastern Shore did not go uncontested. Students and community members rallied to protest his appearance at Stephen Decatur Middle School, and one of those students has the story for us.

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Another Prince George's neighborhood fights a super Walmart

The disaster that Walmart superstores bring to communities around the country is well documented. But when that disaster suddenly looms in your community, it gets very life-changing. Now a Prince George’s neighborhood is at the center of a legal battle between the county and the Arkansas corporation, to be heard this Friday.

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PM Monday Memo 4/18/2016

Progressive Maryland's Monday Memo keys the week ahead, ongoing campaigns and new activities, and reminders about our most recent blog posts.

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Cheverly residents, neighbors say "No" to Walmart expansion as May 5 hearing nears

Walmart has broken every promise it made a decade ago about jobs and neighborhood compatibility to get its Capital Plaza location approved. The megacompany’s further bid to turn its store there into a 24-hour “Supercenter” has brought local residents and activists together to demand better, pointing toward a critical county Planning Board meeting May 5. Progressive Maryland and Progressive Cheverly member Kurt Stand explains.

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Progressive Maryland & allies thinking about a Free State welcome for Trump

Donald Trump has announced he will bring his hate-fueled campaign to Maryland April 19. He won't spew his anti-immigrant, anti-worker garbage uncontested, as our news release indicates.

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Assembly Session a reminder that power still favors the wealthy

Progressive Maryland activists and staffers fought to get pro-people legislation through the 2016 Assembly session. PM's Justin Vest reminds us why to victories can be so hard to come by.

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