Progressive Maryland Weekly Memo for February 22, 2022


Yesterday would have been the 82nd birthday of the late civil rights leader and Congressman John Lewis. Representative Lewis was well-known for encouraging people to make "good trouble" — the kind of trouble that gets stirred up when you fight injustice, as Lewis did with courage throughout his life. 

Let's remember to draw inspiration from Rep. Lewis in moments when progressive change feels difficult or distant. We are committed to continuing to organize, agitate, and make good trouble around the issues that affect working people until we live in a society that treats everyone with dignity and respect. We hope you'll stand with us. 

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Maryland and the US -- landscape for change, and news you can use.

not_bluffing.jpgOur leverage for peace seems limited, especially this morning, but we can work for justice here in Maryland and in the nation because when justice is done, peace is more likely. News you can use from Maryland and the progressive-possible landscape in the US are just below:


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Maryland's media/news landscape is changing, especially in Baltimore

media-landscape-600x346.jpgWhere to get news you can use in Maryland? The landscape is shifting under us every day, as this roundup from Baltimore Fishbowl outlines. Financial squeezes on the legacy media all over the world are bringing change, not all of it good, and it's getting harder to tell well-grounded, factual news from misinformation.


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Progressive Maryland's Weekly Memo for Monday, February 14, 2022

memo_logo.pngHappy Valentine's Day! Here's the Weekly Memo from Progressive Maryland — your road map for progressive action in this and coming weeks. We can do it. Change starts today.

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Keeping the pressure on -- news you can use to get state and federal action

CampaignMiscImage_1594309709.6756.pngWhere is the love on Valentine's Day? Not much we can (or want to) do about squabbling factions in the state GOP. But pressuring our state and federal officials about people- and family-centered laws and rules, keeping businesspersons' hands out of our pockets and securing our workplaces -- that's in our grasp. Take a look at the work going on at every level and team up with advocates and activists to make change.







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Progressive Maryland Weekly Memo for Monday, February 7, 2022

Much of our focus in these cold, early months of 2022 has been on Annapolis, and so far we’ve encountered the good, the bad, and – well – the unsurprising...

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Labor advances make news in Maryland and nationally -- Progressive News You Can Use

not_bluffing.jpgBiden and Harris visit Upper Marlboro to strengthen workers' organizing clout around the nation. Plus, fighting eviction, wasting taxpayer money on bad financial advice, harsher sentencing vs. harm reduction. These and other news accounts give us all an edge against isolation in workplace and community. Share the news and use it to fight back.


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Progressive Maryland Weekly Memo for Monday, January 31, 2022

New bills are still being added to the Maryland General Assembly website every day, but we've identified our broad policy priorities for this legislative session. We will continue to fight for equity in healthcare, for major changes to policing and our justice system, for meaningful drug policy reforms that acknowledge the failures of criminalization, and for measures that combat environmental injustice in its many different forms. Check out this week's memo for plenty of exciting advocacy opportunities!

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Congress is back and MD Assembly still churning

CampaignMiscImage_1594309709.6756.pngNews you can use on what our national progressive affiliate People's Action has on the burner -- and what is going down in the Maryland General Assembly. Find pathways and tools to make change below, too...

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Progressive Maryland Weekly Memo for Monday, January 24, 2022

This year’s Maryland General Assembly session is well underway, and we’re calling on our representatives to push for the type of bold, progressive legislation our communities deserve. Check out this week's memo for more on how to get involved with our advocacy efforts, electoral updates, and some critical federal-level action items. 

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