Bringing educational and legislative experience to improving our schools
The struggle to improve our schools in Prince George's County and other embattled systems throughout the state has to happen at the grass roots -- parents, students, teachers who understand what excellence means for our children's future must build power in school and political systems to make it happen. Our newest Progressive Maryland organizer, Davain McClain, outlines what has brought him to the fight for education quality.
Read moreBills that passed the 2019 General Assembly session, in a roundup
As Sine Die came and went -- the final day of the Maryland General Assembly's 2019 Session -- lawmakers mourned and engaged in horse-trading to get 850-plus bills across the finish line. Here is a roundup from Maryland Matters writers on bills that made it and some that didn't. And more pathways to info are included; read on...
Read moreProgressive Maryland Weekly Memo for Monday (Sine Die), April 8, 2019
Today is Sine Die, the last day of the legislative session -- but one big chair is vacant after the death Sunday of Mike Busch, the House of Delegates’ longest-serving speaker.
The frantic business of Sine Die will go on, with many, many bills trying to get across the finish line – some to an uncertain fate at the hands of Gov. Larry Hogan. So the struggle always continues.
Read moreConstituents, activists urge Shore delegates to back Clean Energy Jobs Act
In an open letter to Delegates representing the Eastern Shore, Upper and Lower, activist constituents urge them to back the Clean Energy Jobs Act now struggling to get a floor vote in the House by the end of the session Monday. The House of Delegates is scheduled to convene at noon today (Saturday, April 6) to address lingering tasks -- like the CEJA -- before the frenzy of Monday's "sine die" end of the session.
Shore constituents -- and all Maryland voters who are interested in lowering or easing climate impacts AND bringing good-paying jobs to Maryland -- should take a moment to touch base with their delegates on this matter. They are working Saturday and maybe we should too, for an improved future for the state.
Read more$725 million in new Kirwan school funding passes House, Senate committees
Lawmakers have put SB1030, dubbed The Education Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, on a fast track. It would infuse an additional $725 million into public schools over the next two years.
Read moreWhy Del. Mary Ann Lisanti must be expelled from the General Assembly
If you are a demonstrated racist, we don’t need you making law in Maryland. Del. Mary Ann Lisanti must be removed from the General Assembly.
Our Progressive Maryland organizing director Nikki MG Cole nailed it: “The article does an excellent job of concisely summarizing the history of racial economy, politics, and culture in Maryland and Prince George’s County, making it easy for the reader to understand how Lisanti's anti-black statement is rooted in our collective history, and therefore necessitates action for our collective future.”
Read moreProgressive Maryland weekly memo for Monday, April 1, 2019
April blossoms today; last week of the Assembly Session unfolds; the People’s Wave comes to DC in late April and we can all be in on it.
Save the Dates for The People's Wave: People's Action 2019 Convention -- Omni Shoreham Hotel | Washington, DC
Sunday, April 28, 2019 at 2:00 PM - Tuesday, April 30, 2019 at 5:00 PM (EDT)
Read moreProtect consumers against Trump administration rollbacks of loan regulations
The Trump administration is pushing a plan to remove consumer protections against predatory payday lending. You can push back and keep discriminatory, predatory lending out of our communities. Public comments on this pro-bank, pro-corporate and anti-working families rollback are open here. Read on and find out how to fight back.
Read moreTell your Assembly members -- override the veto of the $15 minimum wage
GOV. LARRY HOGAN HAS VETOED THE $15 MINIMUM WAGE BILL that was passed last week by the Maryland General Assembly. Maryland’s hard-working families need this bill. Contact your legislators before the vote to override, which will probably be tomorrow. Let them know that this hard-fought
bill deserves passage this year.
And sign our petition to make sure the public as well as legislators understand the importance of this new timetable for making sure the state minimum wage keeps up with the cost of leaving – instead of leaving the state’s working people behind, as the governor’s veto would do.
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Port Towns victory shows progressive activism works
Grassroots action works. It takes perseverance and patience, but it works.
 Activists and allies in the Port Towns surrounding historic Bladensburg, on the Anacostia in Prince George’s County, have fought for almost two years against a proposed “concrete batching plant” endangering residential areas and community health. They won. See how they did it here.
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