Assembly session ends with significant unfinished business

The Maryland General Assembly's Monday night marathon saw two important bills held hostage for one another over tax breaks for the rich. Progressives won some victories, but it's a bittersweet finale.

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Monday Memo: reaching voters, Prince George's meeting, Walmart campaign, and other priorities for this week

As the General Assembly wraps up and the April 26 Primary looms, Progressive Maryland helps you stay up with events and activist opportunities.

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Sunday Bonus: Democracy Spring marchers on last lap to D.C. protesting money's corruption of elections

Democracy Spring marchers are arriving in Washington DC today (Sunday, April 10) to serve notice to Congress about the imperative for overturning Citizens United, the Supreme Court decision that opened the floodgates for corporate money to corrupt elections. They will engage in peaceful demonstrations and the time-honored strategy of civil disobedience on that and other issues of an open society over the next week. Marcher Dave Schwenk, from Pennsylvania, posted this account, which first appeared Sunday on the Code Pink blog.

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Assembly Endgame: strategizing replaces legislating as adjournment looms and cost-free victories are handed to Gov. Hogan

For the Assembly leadership, the fear of losing and looking weak is outweighing the duty to make some good law, and some good bills are foundering as a result.

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Paid sick leave now up to the Senate after House approval

The full House of Delegates passed a paid sick leave bill Tuesday after four years of death by committee. The Senate needs to follow suit, moving it from the Finance Committee to the floor and clearing the way for 700,000 uncovered Marylanders to have a chance at a better life.

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The Week Ahead: Progressive Maryland's Monday Memo

The week ahead is about getting good bills through the General Assembly as the session nears an end, working to register and turn out voters for the Primary April 26, and fighting against Walmart and for planning for people in Prince George's County.

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Expansions to Maryland's Earned Income Tax Credit will significantly benefit low-income workers, but some legislators want to offset these benefits with additional tax cuts for the wealthy. 

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DC area Metrorail's future requires dedicated new funding source

The decades of deferred maintenance and trimming of funds have left the once-gleaming national capital rail system in a mess. Bill Mosley writes that only a dedicated source of regionally based funding can give it a permanent new lease on life.

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Paid Sick Leave for Marylanders, After Four Years, Makes It to the House Floor

Advocates have pressed for four years for a way for 700,000 Maryland low-income workers to earn paid sick leave on the job. The House version of the bill has finally made it past the money committee and will get a vote on the floor.

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Getting your information in Maryland's current media landscape

News on paper has ebbed badly over the past few years, and casual Net browsing just may not bring you the whole truth. How can progressive Marylanders improve their quality of information?

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