Progressive Maryland Weekly Memo for August 8-14
In Montgomery County, Restaurant Week is supposed to promote the good eats you can get in the county? But who benefits from the crowds flocking to the table? Not the servers and other restaurant workers, whose tipped wage is $4 an hour. Learn how to change this.
Read moreWe're Addicted to Unnecessary Water Waste
We like it sunny, not rainy -- but we need that rain, and we need to use it to replenish our supplies, not pollute it and send it down the river. Liza Field, a guest blogger, makes the case for personal and public water consciousness
Read moreAn index of Maryland-related issues in the PM BlogSpace June 2015 to the present
Here's a specific index of the blog posts related to Maryland state issues we have published since beginning this BlogSpace in June 2015.
Read moreA plea to progressives to beat Trump by backing Clinton
Hal Ginsberg argues that despite the temptations of third-party candidates and their more progressive stances, beating Trump and retaining a moderately progressive national administration can only be accomplished by a Clinton-Kaine victory.
Read moreWeekly Memo -- Tuesday Night Fight for Fifteen Plan Meeting Tops Agenda
All politics local this week: News and future events in Montgomery, Howard, Prince George's and Charles counties plus the Loan Sharknado and a smorgasbord of recent blogs.
Read moreThe Info File: index to Progressive Maryland blog posts since June 2015
The Progressive Maryland PM BlogSpace has hosted 108 posts since June 2015 -- a storehouse of information on state and local governance and activism. Here's an index with links.
Read moreSupport grows for even stronger payday lending regulations
Twenty-eight Democratic US Senators have joined the call supporting the federal payday lending regulation proposed by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau -- and urging that they be made even stronger.
Read moreUnions, progressive allies fight antilabor bill in Montgomery
Montgomery County Council members heard loud and clear from unions and their progressive allies that a bill tilting the field against labor in arbitration would not sneak through.
Read moreThe Doorstep Convention Counters the Anger and Bigotry of the RNC
The National Doorstep Convention came to Maryland last weekend as Progressive Maryland volunteers took the pulse of everyday people, their issues and concerns, as a presidential election approaches.
Read moreEnabling sprawl in Bowie on a fast track, with unintended consequences county-wide
A major change to the Subdivision Ordinance in Prince George’s is being rushed through to help one developer. County-wide impacts remain murky but could be disastrous for any Smart Growth effort
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