Let's go a-caroling Thursday (Dec. 22) at noontime to Rep. Steny Hoyer's Greenbelt office on behalf of the progress we have made in getting to universal health care. Let him know we're not going back. Plus activism around Montgomery County's Fight for Fifteen, and the week's blog posts.
Welcome to the Progressive Maryland BlogSpace weekly memo for December 19-25. We’re not letting things taper off too much despite the holidays… we know the Trumpsters are staying busy and we are too. Grassroots action to keep Maryland a progressive stronghold is how we make sure we have good footing for the struggle ahead.
WEDNESDAY, December 21, at 7 p.m. ·
Fight for $15 Grassroots Organizing Call
The push for fair wages in Montgomery County continues even in light of the devastating election results.Â
We have an important job that needs doing–protecting workers at the local level. Low wage workers will be targets of the vindictive and cruel Trump administration. We are fighting alongside working people for a living wage and social justice in Montgomery County, but some local elected officials want to hold back progress.
On Wednesday, December 21st we're hosting a grassroots organizing call with workers and activists to discuss how we can keep the momentum going and hold elected officials accountable. We need your input to plot a path forward. Â RSVP HERE to receive the call-in details.Â
THURSDAY Dec. 22 Caroling for our Health Care… meet at 12 noon outside Rep. Steny Hoyer’s district office in Greenbelt, 6500 Cherrywood Ln (Courthouse building), Greenbelt, MD 20770. We’ll be bringing seasonal carols to remind our member of the House leadership that leadership means fighting to keep the advances we have made in health care for all. Health care advocates nationwide are pushing for contact with local members this week to remind everyone how far we’ve come. We’re not going back. Progressive Maryland has initiated the event but all are welcome. Songsheets provided.
Reading the Progressive Maryland BlogSpace: our blogs for the previous week are show below, but if you want a handy way to keep track – and never miss a blog post – you can sign up to get this Weekly Memo by email. Remember this is your blogspace and your participation is heartily invited. See something going on that you don’t like – or that you do like and hope to see more of? Send us your thoughts; submit to the moderator at [email protected].
Bernie's "Our Revolution" -- an account of his past, and of a hopeful future
December 15, 2016 Sen. Bernie Sanders, whose insurgent presidential primary campaign put radical democracy on the political map, tells in his new book how he became "Bernie" and how the US can find its way to a social justice future again. Bill Mosley reviews his book Our Revolution.
In presenting progressive front against Trump, Marylanders may have to watch our backs
December 14, 2016 Though we need our local institutions to present a solid front to the prospect of a corporate coup (the Trump administration) trends in the news make us wonder if we will have to watch our backs unless we give them some backbone.
Maryland can join Portland, Ore. in step to reduce income inequality, CEO outrages
Dec. 13, 2016 Even in the face of Trump's corporate coup, local and state governments can reduce income inequality with affirmative moves like those in Portland, Oregon -- where out-of-balance CEO compensation will have its price, and benefit the public. Hal Ginsberg recounts how Maryland and its local governments can consider this step.
Progressive Maryland Weekly Memo for Dec. 12-19
December 12, 2016 Holidays approach but there is still activism going on. Food security and zero waste policy (hmmm... they may be related) are on the agenda this week.
Keeping up with the blogs is easier with the index. The blogs published in the PM BlogSpace since June 2015 are all available with descriptions and links here.
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