Here is a list of the posts -- covering Progressive Maryland's priorities, the Assembly session and the Primary election -- that appeared in the PM BlogSpace since our last index was published in mid-February. You can find summaries and links in this file.
 Here is an index, with links, of the blog posts that the PM BlogSpace has hosted since February 17, when we posted an index of our blogs since last June.
If in the excitement of the General Assembly session or the Primary Election just concluded, you missed any of these, here’s a chance to catch up. Lots of them are from the Assembly session, including many that were of their moment, but still provide a flavor of the frenetic session.
We hope this helps you enjoy, and become informed from, our blog. Because it’s called a BlogSpace, remember that means your voice should be heard as well. Send us submissions at [email protected]
April 25, 2016: The Monday Memo, one day till election, getting out the vote is Priority One.
April 22, 2016: A stirring account by an Eastern Shore high school student who inspired and joined her fellow students to protest the hate-spewing Donald Trump’s appearance in one of their local public schools.
April 20, 2016: Details of another Walmart outrage, trying to wedge a superstore into the Duvall neighborhood near Glenn Dale in northern Prince George’s. Progressive Maryland is engaged in that fight. Neighbors won at the level of government but the deep-pocketed retail behemoth is forcing them to fight in court as well.
April 18, 2016: The Monday Memo, in the midst of early voting for the primary election.
April 16, 2016: A detailed account of Walmart’s history of duplicity and profiteering as it tries to gain advantage at present and proposed store sites. Progressive Cheverly members have long fought expansion of the Capital Plaza store.
April 15, 2016: The reaction of Progressive Maryland and its allies to reports of a Donald Trump campaign visit to Maryland. The first dates floated turned out to be less than factual, but progressives are still ready to give the hate-spewing GOP front-runner a Maryland welcome when he comes to the state April 20 (now confirmed).
April 14, 2016: A Progressive Maryland staffer recounts the ups and downs of lobbying for priorities during the legislative session.
April 12, 2016: the drama of the closing night of the Assembly session, when two good bills collided with one another and neither made it through by midnight.
April 11, 2016, The Monday Memo: reaching voters, getting out the vote.
April 10, 2016: A ground-level look at the Democracy Spring marchers who arrived in D.C. Sunday on foot from Philadelphia with a message: End the corrupt role of corporate money in our elections.
April 8, 2016: A skeptical look at the seemingly risk-averse strategy of the Democratic leadership in the Assembly, which seemed to concede easy victories to Gov. Hogan that could be won with a little backbone.
April 6, 2016: An update on the fortunes of paid sick leave, a Progressive Maryland priority, as the legislative session drew to a close for 2016.
April 4, 2016: PM BlogSpace’s first “Monday Memo,” recapping the last week’s blog posts for those who missed them and previewing the organization’s priorities for the week.
April 1, 2016: As the Earned Income Tax Credit bill goes to conference between the Assembly chambers, loading it up with goodies for the wealthy brings stalemate.
April 1, 2016: A longtime transportation specialist explains why Metro needs a dedicated funding source to escape from its woes.
March 30, 2016: Paid sick leave makes it out of the House Economic Matters Committee for the first time in four years… a big deal, and we made a big deal out of it.
March 25, 2016: A primer on how to get your political information in Maryland in an era when traditional media are fading.
March 22, 2016: A blogger argues that allowing a tax break for corporate contributions to private schools is a bad idea.
March 21, 2016: The proposed merger of the UMD campuses in College Park and Baltimore, which the Assembly is considering, needs more time to get right.
March 16, 2016: Metro’s one-day closedown of the rail system shows how poorly the system has been managed by professionals and politicians alike.
March 11, 2016: Remembering the legacy of Parren Mitchell, Maryland’s first African-American congressman, who worked tirelessly for people-first programs instead of war and profit.
March 7, 2016: In the midpoint of the legislative session, a survey of how Progressive Maryland’s priority bills are doing.
March 2, 2016: MetroAccess riders and drivers join forces against the effects of privatization of the system, which puts profits over safety and service.
Feb. 29, 2016: Chapter and verse on the need for paid sick leave in Maryland and the plan to get the bill passed this year.
Feb. 29, 2016: A response to Governor Hogan’s call to keep refugees out of Maryland, arguing that Marylanders are not mean-spirited like that.
Feb. 25, 2016: Covert attempts to discriminate against some peoples’ sexual, ethnic and religious attributes and choices are not limited to the Old Confederacy. A list of bills trying to enable such practices in Maryland was laid out here.
Feb. 24, 2016: A detailed discussion of the police reform project and bills as they were moving through the General Assembly.
Feb. 21, 2016: An essay on the joys and frustrations of citizen lobbying in Annapolis during the legislative session.
>>Feb. 17, 2016: An index of blog posts from June 2015 to Feb. 17 of this year is here, total of 42 posts.
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